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I want to work with a product I believe in .......using my expert skills 

in  online marketing to generate revenue through information communication 

to potential users. If the product or service you manufacture is superior 

to your competition, please describe the details to me.


The number of people who claim sales as a profession has declined by 87%

during the last decade. There are very few salespeople left who have

learned how to make a sale happen and fewer still who know how to do it

electronically. I am one of them. 


Things are different now. New integrity and creativity are needed. Banners 

and  search engine rankings don't work. Yet make no mistake that your 

customers have gone to Internet buying. Companies such as United Technologies 

decided some time ago to do the majority of their buying on-line.

Today's successful online marketing programs require prophets and

visionaries, who respond to the public hunger for integrity in advertising

tactics and strategies and which contest the validity of messages with

cynicism, anger, and isolation, or which demean those who think that a

fundamental transformation back to semantic integrity remains an abiding

possibility. Most importantly your message must "make itself available to"

rather than "impose itself upon" . There is an opportunity to have a 

bottom-line impact, which I would like to share with a company that shares

that philosophy.


Can you still get a story about your company into major media now that a

lot of houses of cards have tumbled? Sure you can, but it won't be

easy. You have to prove that you are providing something the market hasn't

done, or hasn't done well, and you have to prove earnings or revenues, to

customers and investors and media alike.


There is a lot of vapor to become disassociated from. The Interest leans to

new ideas, trends, and what is emerging. I distinguish trends from

fashion. The kind of privately held companies that are newsworthy are the

ones with interesting management, an idea that's outrageously different

and perhaps smarter than any competitors. If you have the product or

service, I can put your company in the limelight. It takes eleven years to

become an overnight sensation. I can install a new PR strategy that gets

attention.... a lot of attention.


SUMMARY: PhD, 10 years experience - 563 sites created - Awards

Microsoft, IBM, AT&T, 5 million visitors generated annually.

Bottom-line, revenue focused. CEO references from satisfied

clients. Advisor to Presidents of four countries and seven U.S.

Government Agencies.


I want to provide the online marketing management function for

your overall marketing strategy.

I have ten years experience with midsize and Fortune 1000 companies and have 

won many awards including Microsoft, AT&T, IBM, Johnson & Matthey

references, testimonials, track-record and credentials.

My experience is broad covering many SIC codes and services,

domestic and international

I can work full or part time. on contract, 1099 or corp-to-corp,

on a small get acquainted trial budget, if you prefer, until

results are demonstrated. Whatever your existing marketing

programs, banner, search engine rankings, associates, channels

don't put all your eggs in one basket. Compare performance

and results.


My experience includes advertising, copy-writing, corporate

finance and senior management which enables me to contribute at

all levels of corporate development.

More about how we do it.


Want to Talk To Dr. Palms on the telephone NOW! click here

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Palms & Company, Inc. Founded 1934
Palms Bayshore Building, Penthouse Suite #408 West Wing 
6421 Lake Washington Boulevard North East
State of Washington, United States of America, 98033-6876
Phone: 1-425-828-6774 & 1-425-827-5528
Branches: 41 World-wide 
Consulting telephone: click HERE 
Created Nov 2002  Last Revision: 6/23/2004 
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