Books For Cosmic Minds

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After Four Years of Work - "Return of the Phoenix" is now available as CD Rom (1500 pages of text and graphics)

Chapter 46 of Book Three
The Avalanche Of The Crust

Table of  Contents for Chapter 46 - On The Wings Of The Phoenix The Journey Into The Future

In Passage

The Bottom Line On The Earth Changes

Predicting The Unpredictable With The Ley Lines

Composing The Scenario

From The Motions In The Vortex
From The Ancient Memories and Prophecies
The Four Event Horizons –The Record In The Rocks

The Avalanche Of The Crust

Flying On The Wings Of The Earth-Phoenix

Parallels In The Lines of Fall

The Line of Maximum Movement

The New North Pole In Archangel

The New South Pole

Basic Reactions To Sudden Motion In The Crust

Scrying The General Movement
The Inscrutable Great Dragon Line
The Inscrutable Plumage of the Phoenix
The Ellipsoid Changes & The Shaking Of The Earth
Erratic Block Upthrusts
The Surge Wave in the Waters
Latitude Sea Level Gradation
Reflection Tsunami Surges
The Torches of the Anunnaki
The Weather Freakshow

General Rules of Thumb For Survival

Think & Visualize Properly
Watch Carefully
The Water Is The Number One Problem
Stay Off The Coast
Seek High Ground
Gravitate to the Lee Side of the Islands or Continents
Remaining in Volcanic Areas is Crazy
Avoidance of Doomed Areas
These Words May Be Misleading

The Hunt For A New Equilibrium

The Lighting Of The Torches

Along The Line Of Maximum Movement Through Europe & Africa

England & Ireland
Western Coast of Europ
The Mediterranean Coastlines
Northern Africa
Western Coast of Africa
Eastern Coast of Africa
For Africa As A Whole
South Africa

Along The Line Of Maximum Movement Through The Pacific

Melanesia & Polynesia:

The Phoenix Over North America

Central America & Mexico
Western Mexico, Baja California & Arizona
Pacific Northwest
The Pacific Coastline Of North America In General
The Caribbean Gulf
The Continental Interior
Most Dangerous Earthquake Zones In North America
The Eastern Coast of North America
The Arctic Coast of North America

The Pacific Node & Line of Least Movement

The Pacific Node
Australia & New Zealand
Indonesia, Philippines, SE Asia
Northern Asia: Japan, Korea, Vladivostok, Kamchatka

The Atlantic Node & Line of Least Movement

The Atlantic Node
Amazon Coast
Eastern Coast of South America (from the Bulge to Cape Horn)
Western Coast of South America

Most Favored Quadrant – The Indian Subcontinent



In Passage

If you have read this book to reach these words, you will have gained a glimpse of the long tedious ordeal I have gone through to definitively assess Cayce’s clairvoyance and credibility while I elaborately constructed Cayce’s World Epic and Future History from thousands of passages culled out of Cayce’s readings.

The process of delving into the truly ancient past to wrestle meaning out of some of the world's worst grammar was not my initial intent, never was on the agenda. But the gradual emergence of the World Epic ended up becoming central to the full articulation of Cayce's millennial prophecy. Not only did the World Epic resolve strange mysteries and unknowns in every culture and epoch by integrating them into an organic continuity, the history of the Earth and the history of humanity finally merged into a seamless whole.

In passage from Cayce and the World Epic, I conclude here with a few brief remarks before undertaking to create a scenario of the coming pole shift using scientific principles to outline the possible effects. The more I looked, the more the paradigm of the World Epic and Cayce’s tersely given keys explained the true dynamics behind plate tectonics and important geological aspects of the history of the earth. As I worked with the paradigm to validate Cayce’s statements, I found that more and more of the history of humanity fit into Epic and that the archeological mysteries ceased being mysteries and progressively became pointers to widespread connectivity between people and certain events in the ancient past. I also found that the keys in the World Epic squarely point to the nature of what can be expected from the next pole shift.

The World Epic paradigm works so good, it burnt me out several times from information overload and left my hard disk groaning with the load of thousands of data files of phenomenon related to the parallelism and interconnection of the old ruins, cities, dates, megalithic construction, pole shifts, cataclysms, gods, words, the interconnected cloth of religion on the planet, and so on. In fact, I went through three hard disks before reaching enough integration and conclusion to call it a book or three.

After the massive validation work which marches on tirelessly through Book Two and through most of Book Three, the last two chapters complete the integration of Cayce’s World Epic and parallel it with the strongest correlations in the ancient memories and prophecies. The ancient prophetic messages provided a backdrop for a final restatement of Edgar Cayce’s "Millennial Prophecy" in the form of a complete saga of the past and the future of the people of the earth.

To fully complete the prophecy in Cayce’s World Epic, I added the plain words of Y’shua. I used Y’shua’s prophecy of the ‘Time of Tribulation" as reported in the straightforward passages in Luke, where there are no Mithraic confusions and associations with Latin, Zoroastrian and Chaldean concepts. With this I set forth a radical transformation of traditional religious prophecy into a series of straightforward propositions which have a real context and a tangible future which can be specifically verified. With this final step, the World Epic now parallels perfectly with all of the ancient memories, ancient prophecies, the findings of geophysics, various geological phenomenon , and the Cayce stories about Egypt and Atlantis. Gone are the isms, schisms, and anities.

Cayce’s information is now in a form which forever alters science, history, and religion for those who attune their consciousness to the central parallels in the World Epic. Because its empirical truth value is stronger than all other paradigms, scholars who work to prove or disprove aspects of the World Epic will end up extending its scope and detail. From such work, humanity’s comprehension of itself and its past will gradually change. Possibly this can provide a bridge, both for those who are still caught within the confines of the Latin Bible (Imperial Roman State Document) and those who are still caught in the materialistic reactionary movement against Latin Fascism. The survivors of both world views need to bridge into a wider context such as the World Epic if they hope to survive the change in the earth. With this, I have completed the mosaic of the World Epic as articulated by Edgar Cayce and his Source(s).

The Bottom Line On The Earth Changes

After all of this, the Quest now comes to the bottom line related to the change in the earth. The Quest began with the shifting in the poles and now ends with the shifting in the poles. After 4 years of assiduously tracking, analyzing, and computing all aspects related to the prediction, the predictor, the sources of the information, and all known potential empirical correlations with science, religion, and history, the Quest concludes with these findings:

With these findings, after all of this work, what have we found? What do these statements tell us about the future? Has our future become more knowable or is it now more dark than ever? We have an 85% probability of ... of .... say what? A pole shift? Doesn’t this proposition, despite our relative certainty about it, create a vaster uncertainty? How is such a prediction possible? And if it is, what impact will such an event have on the lives of the 6 billion human beings? How are we personally to live through such an event? What will we experience and how will our world change? Don’t we have more questions than ever?

In the plain and simple bottom line there are few solid answers to these questions. Our main clues from Cayce only point towards a few effects of the shifting of the pole, such as the destruction of Los Angeles. The clues sound spectacular but they tell most of us not much. Nowhere does Cayce paint "the large picture" in which we can see the future for most other areas and most of humanity. Nowhere do we find in Cayce enough information to determine the criteria for choosing a safe area and the criteria for areas which are likely to be dangerous. Since no one had the presence of mind during the 1930’s to inquire about what the pole shift event would be like, nowhere can we find clues about what to expect and how to survive it in most areas of the world. To get any of this, we need to paint our own picture.

But can we? We have nearly gone as far as history, psychics, Cayce, prophecy, and science can take us on this subject. Uncertainty multiples from this point leaving everything in the fuzziest of outlines. There is no human empirical science on the physical plane at the current time which can predict the timing of a pole shift. And even if someone could tell us the moment of the flight we would still be dumbfounded. We cannot predict with any certainty, using purely material geophysics, how far, how fast, and in what direction the pole might shift. Hence, we have no definite, objectively certain way to determine the future "new heaven and a new earth" which an avalanche of the crust will create nor the extent of the catastrophic damage which will result.

Nevertheless, there are a great many clues from the ancient memories and prophecies, history and science, Cayce, and the principles of vortexian tectonics which the Quest has uncovered. We do not have to remain oblivious to the potential consequences of a shift in the poles. From these clues we can speculatively paint a scenario of the coming change in the earth. When drawn together, the many clues point to the general nature and magnitude of the shift even if many of the specific details must remain somewhat fuzzy. From this I believe that we can discern in advance the signs of its coming, the main timing factors, the catastrophes which may be experienced on the ground, even the literal "path" of the flight of the Earth-Phoenix and the ultimate location of the next pole.

Thus, in conclusion of the Trilogy in this final chapter, I have speculatively outlined in general terms some of the major aspects of what may happen to the Earth in the years ahead. After speculatively painting a general scenario of the possible shift of the location of the pole to the area of Archangel in northern Russia, this final chapter of the Trilogy ends with an extensive outline of some of the likely consequences of this flight for various regions and coastlines around the world. The outline ranges through all of the continents and gives the greatest detail for North America, Europe, and Asia, which will be hit the hardest. Also provided are thumbnail sketches for Africa, Latin America, Australia, the Pacific, and the vast underbelly of Asia above the Indian Ocean.

As I proceed to outline the framework for the scenario I also in effect outline and summarize all of the major and minor themes of the Trilogy. The principles of vortex tectonics are completely but compactly laid out, along with the findings of my quest through the ancient memories and psychic (prophecy) data. The logic of their combination to draw this scenario of the future becomes clear and thus perhaps the thesis of the Trilogy finally becomes perfectly clear, even to me. Earth scientists who wish to model the vortex principles will find that this chapter provides enough specification to begin. Some of the summary of the tectonic principles may be too compact and obscure for a general audience even though I have striven mightily to avoid jargonistic and academic styles of talking about them. If you find it impossible to fully connect with all of the technical summary, keep going past the rough areas. There are many areas of the scenario which will be perfectly understandable to anyone.

There is only one thing which is certain about this scenario. It comes with no guarantees. As of old, the Phoenix flies when it flies, once in a great age beyond the ken of humans. As it flies, the Earth and the heavens are transformed. Little else is given to mortals to know for certain. This the Egyptians told us thousands of years ago and all of modern science has just barely gotten to the point of cataloguing the evidence. As these pages of speculation unfold, realize we have left them behind, the Egyptians, Cayce and science, and we proceed now with only a series of hedged guesses, as blind men striving to describe an elephant.

P redicting The Unpredictable With The Ley Lines

Though the issue appears to be irrelevant, I couldn’t help pondering over the "reality" of predicting a pole shift while composing a scenario of Earth-Phoenix Five. How much, I wondered, is this the creation of fantasy and how much of this is an authentic exercise of science?

The question arises because of its class. This fundamental question is fully as important as asking about the effects of the pole shift. There is no other prediction like it. In the entire corpus of prophecy, from beginning to end, all of Cayce’s included, this one prediction is a true enigma. Almost all of the rest of Cayce’s pre-cognition of the future, even Y’shua’s, can be seen as clairvoyance about the intent and plans of humans and others on the physical or spiritual planes, or both. Or, as for all of the medical results from the therapies which were prescribed in Cayce’s readings, as superior science. The information can flow telepathically and astute observers in the spiritual dimension can offer highly informed opinions and probably be right 90% of the time. This can account for nearly all the typical psychic information one finds, including most of the information which Cayce read.

Even predictions about the return of Y’shua and the opening of the Hall of Records are easily pegged. If the story is correct, the predictions are simply the announcement of the plans of people who have the capability to carry them out, no pre-cognitive clairvoyance is necessary to "see" the future, only telepathic ability to tune into the information from some one willing to share it.

But this prediction of a pole shift is in a fundamentally different class. IT IS prophecy within nearly everyone’s sense of the concept, including the criterion with which I began the quest. The pole shift is simply not foreseeable within any perspective known on earth. To compound the mystery of it, the Source specifically and deliberately draped The Veil over the issue of such "prophecy". It is one of the few subjects which is not forthrightly discussed in the Cayce readings, in fact, the Source fairly bluntly "ducked" dealing with it.

We could just say that it is God or Divine Intelligence and let the issue go, but we learn nothing with such an answer. Accordingly, I have three answers to this question about the possibility of prophecy of the pole shift. The first answer is elementary. In the long run of geological history, I am very certain in general terms that there is always another pole shift around the corner. A pattern of repeating pole shifts, as "The Prophecies" carefully articulates from the finest and most succinct lines of scientific evidence and concepts, is the inevitable consequence of any binary planet of sufficient size to contain a molten core. The question is not whether, it is merely the technical issue of when. Thus, ultimately, prophecy of the shifting of the pole is merely a scientific issue.

This fact provides a second answer to the question of the predictability of the shifting of the pole. What would it take to generate the data and the functions which accurately describe and predict the occurrence of planetary crustal avalanches to an accuracy of 99.99 percent some 12,000 years in advance? It would be difficult to be confident of offering such predictions unless one has had the opportunity to observe the phenomenon in various planets and has observed this planet in particular through at least two cycles to provide a fully validated set of functions with which to confidently predict the occurrence of a third one. That would require a cultural consistency of something like 30,000 to 50,000 years to generate the databases which are necessary.

These problems lead to a third answer to the issue of the prophecy, which I proffer as questions to be answered in the fullness of time. Why not bite the bullet and make a straight forward hypothesis which will fit the facts? The prediction must be the manifestation of high science, very high science. Isn’t it quite possible that the source of the prediction is a space-faring intelligence with a very different perspective than ours about time?

I hazard a guess that this could partially account for the lay lines which lie throughout Europe and the precise alignments of various key monuments throughout the world (which Hancock & company have discovered lie at certain symmetrical relationships to each other). By the reports of all legends and traditions, "the gods", i. e. the "heavenly beings", instructed humanity to build in certain "holy" and sacred places in accordance with certain directions and angles, to make an "offering to the gods" in the form of temples and so forth. By observing these human artifacts and their alignments down these long ley lines from space, probably most ideally the earth’s moon, the exact relative motion in the crust can be recorded and measured through tens of thousands of years by automated machinery. This equipment could describe in very precise detail the entire plate and crustal dynamics of the Earth in relationship to all other cosmic variables . The mass instability functions could be updated on a regular basis and the avalanche prediction narrowed into smaller and tighter time frames.

Composing The Scenario

To compose the scenario, I have brought together the main clues and parallels which we garnered from Edgar Cayce, the ancient memories, the ancient prophecies, the records in the rocks, and the motions in the earth. The parallels and correlations between them are my "key puzzle pieces" which all other "pieces" of the mosaic must fit. The scenario starts with Cayce’s clues, onto which are painted details from the ancient memories and the records in the rocks. Then I will add specific clues from Cayce from which I have deduced how the Earth can and cannot move to produce some of the effects outlined by Cayce.

Let us begin with Cayce. It is reasonably clear, even in the choice of the words used, that Cayce is not talking about normal motion of the pole nor some acceleration of the motion of the pole. He described rather sudden "shifts" in the location of the pole. Cayce told us that the original projection for the pole shift was made 12,500 years ago and that the next flight of the Earth-Phoenix was forecast for anytime after 1958. Could it be that the "Source", whom we might think of in this instance as "celestial observers", in 1934 made a new final forecast through Cayce. Perhaps they plotted their functions against measurements of the shaft/star alignments of the Hall Of Initiation (GP). Using merely passive devices, is there a better way to measure the absolute motion of the crust over a long period of time? Well yes there is, Arthur Clarke would probably maintain. Use three such sites, if you can, and mathematically average the readings .

In 1936 a shift of mass angular motion occurred, as predicted by Cayce in 1934. Few yet understand this prediction but by diligently browsing data files on the internet and truly obscure books in geophysics I discovered that geophysicists had in fact recorded a very clear profoundly anomalous alteration of the normal drift of the axis. This minor bump in the night was obscurely debated for 30 years before geophysicists concluded that it was real, was really anomalous, and was not explainable. When I found this I realized, more than from anything else, that Cayce was right on the money, FOR SURE.

Cayce said that 1936 was the point of initiation of the Earth Changes. A shift of the equilibrium of the Earth in space which would result in the overflow of the land in 2000/2001 to shift the location of the poles. He explained that the tectonic trends related to this would begin to appear in 1958. He claimed that in the period 1998 the secular tectonic changes would accelerate and the trends would become even more obvious. This has all occurred. Exactly to the letter. Cayce’s "celestial observers" appear to be tracking the Phoenix perfectly.

After this intensification, Cayce told us the avalanche would commence sometime in 2000-2001 (or when a new cycle begins). We know from statistical inference of the patterns related to his other statements that there is at least a 85% probability that the pole shift will occur as Cayce claimed. Cayce’s credibility is our whole rationale for drawing a scenario of the flight of Earth-Phoenix Five in 2000-2001 and acting accordingly. That is the whole proposition.

To complete the proposition I have added details from the ancient memories and the records in the rocks. Data from these sources parallel, correlate, and track through the past, present, and with all trends with stunning complementarity. They define a superior paradigm of comprehension of the Earth and history. The ancient memory and the ancient messages (prophecy) define the intensity, nature, and duration of the last event, and thus the likely characteristics of the next one. The records in the rocks testify about the scope and distance of the last event. From these, we can infer the approximate speed and thus the forces loosened on the surface

The correlations made by the Quest from the event horizons of the past 120,000 years are easily paralleled with the primary astrophysical motions of the Earth and moon. From this match, I can infer the probable direction of movement, the duration of the event, and the most likely location of the next pole.

From this sketch of the flight path of the Earth-Phoenix, I can speculatively outline the nature of the primary tectonic consequences and the direction of change for many areas, including the likely shifts in latitudes, dangers from flood surges, submergence, earthquakes, volcanism, and other devastations. From this, one can make some discernment of the likely danger and safety zones and come to a realization about the environment and nature of human existence in the dawn of the Fifth World.

From The Motions In The Vortex

For Cayce’s clues to really make sense and parallel with the ancient memories, we must begin with what we learned about the motions of the Earth and create the context with the vortex dance of this Weilu Master, this planetary body which spins, orbits, wobbles, and pirouettes in space, all simultaneously.

The quest to verify Cayce brought me literally to the discovery of vortexian tectonics which correlates all of these motions with the tectonic activities of the plates of the earth. The crust of the earth, the egg of the Phoenix, is always in motion. It wobbles about 12 meters (40 feet) around an average location which is called the mean axis or pole. Every 6.5 years, the crust goes through a cycle of spinning and wobbling, first through a minimum and then through a maximum distance from the average location of the pole. As the crust moves through its average minimum deviation from the average position along the Greenwich Meridian (The X Wave), the most violent earthquake events in the Pacific tend to occur and volcanic activity generally peaks.

The location of this average spin axis is also always drifting, which directly creates the long range tectonic motion and geological changes in the earth. As the crust wobbles and jiggles, the average position slowly drifts each year several centimeters (inches) and so do all of the plates at different rates and angles. Currently the mean spin axis is drifting down towards Chicago with an apparent occasional jiggle in the direction of England.

From this it is quite obvious that the idea of a fixed spin axis is literally just an illusion. The location of the pole, i.e. the spin orientation of the crust, is in constant motion, is constantly changing location to balance out the ceaselessly changing distribution of mass in and on the Earth with the force of centrifugal motion and all of the various constantly changing gravitational force vectors of the Sun and the moon. As it moves and wobbles to adjust all of the forces, the crust sets the tectonic plates in motion relative to each other (from spreading and contraction) as a direct, proportional consequence of the absolute motion of the whole crust of the Earth over the spin axis and the equator.

The wobbling oscillations of the crust directly induce the spreading and contraction in the crust as it slips back and forth over the equator (maximum spreading) and the polar zone (maximum contraction). These oscillations directly cause the oceanic rifts to expand and contract, which in turn set the tectonics plates in motion to drift over the ocean plates.

These oscillations are directly experienced as the regular and repeating weather patterns of El Nino (expansion) and La Nina (contraction). The El Nino weather pattern is caused directly by an increase in the rate of expansion in the Pacific rift which allows more tectonic heat than normal to flow into the oceans, La Nina occurs when there is less heat than normal to flow into the ocean bottom. When this weather pattern reaches all time historical extremes, as it has in this period 1998, the weather is signaling that all tectonic plate motion is oscillating with more vigor than ever before. This must mean that any off-center mass in the Earth is "straining" more and more to move further and further.

One can also easily see that all general tectonic activity, as trends of overall seismic energy patterns, directly correlates and parallels with this motion, hence all motion, change, and features in the crust are explained as simply the stress and motion which are generated by the changing orbital and rotational relationships between the earth, Moonand sun. This equation allows all the Crazy Aunts in the House of Geology, all of the perennially unprovable hypotheses, to be retired.

The main question about the dynamics of the motions of the pole is simple. Is this what we see day by day all there is? Or can and does the crust occasionally move faster? The key question becomes: how far, how fast? EVERYTHING tectonic is directly proportional to how far and how fast. All the tectonic consequences, including the amount of volcanism, the amount of earthquaking, the extent and depth of flood surges from sudden shifts, everything is, everything will be directly proportional to how far and how fast the pole moves to a new location.

How far and how fast is entirely a function of the mass of the earth, its spin dynamics, the elasticity of material, the variable gravity well defined by the earthcore/sun/moon, and the dynamic response of the Earth to the solar efflux. On this function, the entire phenomenon is completely predictable, even thousands of years in advance. AND ONLY ON THIS BASIS IS THE PHENOMENON PREDICTABLE. The problem is, the solution to this simple problem takes the application of high science for tens of thousands of years to create equations sufficiently accurate to enable the calculation of precise predictions.

The evidence, which litters the surface of the Earth on every continent in the fossil record, without a shadow of a question of doubt makes it perfectly obvious that the earth’s crystalline outer shell is induced periodically to suddenly overflow the molten interior some 25 to 30 degrees, sometimes more and sometimes less, by the combination of centrifugal force and the alignments of the gravity vectors of the earth, moon, and sun. Inevitably, so long as the Earth and the Moon revolve around each other and both revolve around the Sun, the surface of the Earth will continue to be, as it always has been, shaped by sudden shifts in the distribution of the spinning mass of the Earth’s crystalline outer shell.

With this formulation, which I call vortex tectonics, I resolve completely the age old split between the notions of gradualism and notions of catastrophism. Both are true. Most of the time, change is slow and gradual. Every once and a while you get millions of years worth of geologic change crammed into a few days. It is so upsetting to the mammal populations that some species die out completely when a particularly nasty pole shift occurs. One species has developed a memory of it, they have even taken to building time capsules to remind themselves about the catastrophe which for a long time they simply explained as the time when the gods created a "new heaven and a new earth".

The relationships and projections which I have stated here in the Prophecies are new and they are as important as the theorems of Copernicus, Kepler, Newton, and Einstein in stating and revealing the fundamental dynamics of the earth. They explain its essential tectonic history, the entire dynamic of the formation of nearly all the features upon the surface of the earth, and they render the patterns of ancient memories and cultural patterns entirely intelligible as part of a truly common, interconnected experience of an unstable planet which is not always benign..

That these overflows have literally sculpted the continents and rule their destinies, along with everything on them, doubt not a whit. There is no other way it can work. Those who can see holistically will see this the more they work with the phenomenon in these terms (after throwing geology’s Crazy Aunts out of their head). Those who think with numbers will find that all the data, all things paralleled and summed, always leads inevitably to this conclusion. Those who can think both ways will come to this gnosis sooner than most.

Here is the prime synchronizing factor in the vortex equation: PERIHELION. When the Earth makes its closest approach to the Sun each year on January 6th, the earth’s orbital speed increases while the rate of its daily rotation slows. In other words, the earth’s centrifugal motion and force, which maintains its orientation in orbital space, decreases and is weakest in December and January. This then is the most unstable time for the earth, the time when it is most likely to be influenced by external cosmic forces.

In a perfectly symmetrical earth, all mass would be evenly distributed, with a little extra at the bulge due to centrifugal force. Under that circumstance, the earth’s equator would be presented for maximum exposure to the sun on January 6th and we would have an equinox, not a solstice. If the Earth were top heavy, the Northern Hemisphere would face the Sun during December and January and it would enjoy summer, not winter. The Earth has synchronized its rotation, orbit, and wobbles to always present as much as possible of the Southern Hemisphere to the Sun during this period. Seeing this, we know immediately that the Earth is bottom heavy. There is no other way it can be.

Through the long eons, the sun’s gravity at this moment of each year has captured the heaviest portion of the Earth and forced the Earth to synchronize its daily and annual motions to always present the heaviest portion of the Earth to the sun. In other words, the sun’s gravity captures and induces the heaviest portion of the earth, the Southern Hemisphere, ANTARCTICA to be more specific, to move towards the Equator. That is why Antarctica is presented to the Sun at perihelion and that is the only reason why this is so. It is exactly that simple. (See Figure 133: The Approaching Antarctic Perihelion)

Thus we can see the heaviest quadrant of the earth, Antarctica, in the process of being pulled up into the equatorial zone at each perihelion. The Sun IS adding energy into that quadrant, making it move more, making the earth’s crust bob up the Atlantic and over into the Pacific more than vice verse, which we can see directly in the patterns of the X Wave graphs, making the location of the North Pole slowly move towards the south (into North America and towards England) .

Looking at the distribution of mass on the planet today we can see that it is ludicrously out of isostatic balance. The lightest mass (major oceans) lie on the spin equator) with the heaviest continental mass badly skewed into the Northern Hemisphere. The North Polar Ice Cap (on Greenland) is radically off-center by several hundred kilometers, to which we can add the prodigious icecap of Antarctica (size of North America, average continental height is over 3 kilometers (over 2 miles) which is also several hundred kilometers off-center. Is it any wonder that the "precessional" drift is tilting the Earth such that Antarctica is being forced north of its current rotation? At the moment, this motion is being expressed both as a slow precession and as a deepening wobble, but eventually, the crust will avalanche. At some point, the forces related to the precession of the axis will combine with the X Wave forces in an event which will transform both into a snapping avalanche of the crust, a free fall into a new equipoise.

Each year the Sun adds more energy at perihelion into this process. Thus each year the Sun makes its relationship with the Earth a little more perfect. As a result of this synchronization, the Sun continues to induce the Earth to move its heaviest mass, Antarctica, towards the equatorial zone of the ecliptic, as close as possible to the sun. This process directly has created the tilt in the axis of the Earth and continues to create the constant precession motion of the earth.

When you add the effects of the moon’s varying gravity fields to this solar perihelion energy, you create most of the wobbles in Chandler’s Wobble. Thus one can directly see that the Annual Motion, the X Wave Motion, and the Precession Motion of the Earth all directly parallel and receive their sustaining raw energy boost directly from the Sun (as synchronized with the moon) at perihelion. These parallel to the bobbing of Antarctica and through their parallels all tectonic motion correlates to this bobbing. The Moonmodulates the energy, adding and subtracting to it, and thereby sculpts and shapes the results to produce the wobble cycles in the location of the spin axis. This energy and basic pattern of motion also then directly creates the relative motions between the plates in the crust. These shift differentially each time and every year as a direct consequence of the expansions and contractions which are always occurring at different times in different locations in somewhat different timing in response to the ceaselessly varying orbital and rotational relationships in what ONLY APPEAR to be non-repeating patterns to drive statistically-oriented scientists somewhat loony. Their numbers never quite grok the patterns because they don’t look up on a bright day or night to see the perfectly obvious and grasp the dance of the Weilu Master.

Ironically, even the Precession of the Equinoxes may be nothing more than a secondary effect of the shifting crust, merely a long slow wobble as part of the motion which leads eventually to a sudden release in a general avalanche towards a radically new point of equipoise. I have not carried research and analysis far enough to prove this particular point to myself like I have the others, but I suspect strongly that this so-called Precession Cycle, as a 25,000 year astronomical cycle, may in fact be no more than another Crazy Aunt illusion generated each year by the sun’s tug on Antarctica. If so, it is better stated as simply the advent of the next flight of the Earth-Phoenix.

These parallels are all directly obvious with major earthquake activity such as in the recent earthquakes in Turkey and Greece. Many geophysicists are still oblivious to these correlations but they are getting difficult to ignore. A zone of the Earth in Turkey and Greece has been hit within a four month period by three 6.4+ earthquakes, all three clearly connected to the New Moon Syzygy within the same pattern of timing. Table 311 demonstrates that these three killer quakes all occurred within three days of the same time window each month just a few days after syzygy each month.

Table 311: Syzygy Windows & The Big Three Quakes
In The Eastern Mediterranean In 1999



New Moon













Western Turkey



N 40.70











Southern Greece









  Western Turkey





Figure 133: The Approaching Antarctic Perihelion

Filename: globe over s20.41 e44.23.jpg
Source: John Walker, "Earth & Moon Viewer"; Fourmilab; Switzerland, 1999;
from the web at disable /cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth;
simulated "Living Earth as of UTC November 25,1999 at 8:49:21

This simulated picture of the earth appears to show all of Antarctica in the Indian Ocean but in actuality only about two thirds of Antarctica are technically in the Indian Ocean. This is perhaps better seen on Chart Figure 323 (USGS Map Of World Seismicity 1975-1995) where one can find about two thirds of the mass of Antarctica correctly portrayed as a land mass at the bottom of the Indian Ocean. The line of the Antarctic continent parallels in a rough sort of way the belt of maximum earthquakes which runs from Spain through to the Himalayas. YES, PARALLELS, and it is no coincidence.

Everything below the broad earthquake belt in Eurasia, all of Africa, India, and Antarctica is well known by Earth scientists to be moving north against the Eurasian landmass. Why? I have already answered this terribly important question. The answer is as simple as perihelion, at which time the Sun is lifting Antarctica towards the equator. As Antarctica pushes towards the Equator, everything else south of the equator is pushed towards the north as well. This is mainly Africa, the Indian Ocean Plate, and India (which is pinched up to the north by the Indian Ocean Plate). This is easily observed by seeing how well the arc of Antarctica in this hemisphere parallels the broad belt of the maximum earthquakes in Eurasia.

The main question, the truly interesting question is, what sector or longitude best represents the center of the direction of motion? As one analyzes the distribution of mass on the surface of the earth, one eventually concludes that the sector between East 20 to East 50, possibly centered on East 40 (my top pick), represents the best direction for Antarctica to "bob" northward.

Consequently one should find the greatest stress and tension related to Antarctica’s northerly bob somewhere in the crust between these two longitudes. In fact one finds all of Africa’s north-south chain of volcanoes between East 30 and East 40. One also finds the Middle Eastern Zone at the juncture of the African and Eurasian plates. This zone probably produces at least half of the killer quakes which occur on the Eurasian landmass, with most of the rest of them usually striking just to the east or west of this sector. I cannot help but conclude that we can see the footprints of the Phoenix in this zone.

And now it would appear that we have fresh footprints. As 1999 wings to a new infusion of precessional energy on January 6th, there is also the beginning a vigorous upsurge of both the annual x-plot motion and the 6.5 year X Wave. Both have been at a 6.5 year min during the middle of this year. During this time of the X upswing, three great killer quakes struck in Turkey and Greece, each quake close to a new moon (related to syzygy timing), and all within 5 to 10 degrees of the ideal longitude line of fall for Antarctica to shift towards the equator at a time when the soon is literally inducing a strong and stronger motion into Antarctica’s bob with each passing day.

Now some will persist in seeing all of these parallels and correlations as merely coincidental but by now it is perfectly obvious that there is absolutely nothing coincidental nor random about any of this. In fact, after seeing the correlations of these three unusual quakes in the eastern Mediterranean with the motions of the earth, one can and probably should conclude that one is looking dead on the line of flight of the Phoenix in an era of intensification of the activity leading to the Pole Shift. The correlation of these vortex relationships with the these three earthquakes most likely demonstrates in highly specific terms exactly how the entire mechanism has worked throughout the entire Fourth World and how it is working now as Hamlet’s Mill grinds out the inevitable avalanche of the crust.

From The Ancient Memories and Prophecies

Cayce alerted us to the beginning of a sharp, catastrophic avalanche in the crust. The parallels and correlations in the vortex of the dancing Weilu Master have probably given us the approximate line of fall of the avalanche. To finish the outline for the scenario based on real physics, we need to have the duration of the event and the distance of the fall. From these we can infer the speed of the flight and some of the probable tectonic reactions.

Hard data about the duration of the event would seem to be impossible to find if we think and act like typical academic specialists. Very hard geological evidence can provide such information though the frozen mammoths and other frozen remains to suggest that the flight occurs over a fairly short span of time. The question is: how short? The specific answer makes a huge difference in some of the likely tectonic reactions.

Fortunately we are not typical specialists and we have a collective species memory of the last event, an ancient memory which we began to discern as we explored the old legends and prophecies. The more we explored the old legends and prophecies of the ancient memories through the keys of the World Epic, the more we seemed to acquire eyes to see beyond the illusions of the 20th century. Our ears began to hear the ancient messages. As we began to hear them, we found that the root message in the earliest stories of every culture with a memory, either written or verbal, are so similar they are virtually the same. The root essence of the ancient message is simple. We are all refugees from a terrible disaster, a catastrophe so terrible we cannot explain it to you, only tell you a story. Once upon a time the gods (stars, planets, suns, moons) were [affronted/jealous/competitive] and had a great [war/wrath/judgment]...everything was destroyed...the Earth and the skies became completely different and only a few of us survived by [warnings, floating, fleeing to high ground].

Unfortunately, the storytellers in each culture encrusted this ancient message neck deep in schtick and fabrications to astound and mystify each succeeding generation of children. The stories have gotten so bizarre, most of us have long ago tuned these musty old tales out of our consciousness as if they are nothing but impossibly tall tales. Their study, if study is the right word, has been consigned to the "Classics" Departments.

Using Joseph Campbell’s example, the Quest undertook a radical deconstruction of a wide body of diverse myths and legends to "lift" the physical elements out of the tavern-tale blarney in order to abstract the parallels between them. By this means the Quest was able to retrieve the elements of tangible memory which was clear enough to demonstrate that the foundation and flood stories of a great many cultures describe something of the sequence, effects, magnitude, and duration of a major shift in the location of the poles. From this understanding, the Quest concluded that most if not all of us are the descendents of refugees who survived the disasters of a pole shift which destroyed most of their contemporaries.

Some of the best detail was found in the 4000+ year Babylonian literary story of Utnapishtim. In the clearest and most "dead-on" ancient memory of a pole shift, Utnapishtim reported that the event took about 6 days and 7 nights, after which the waters crested and began to return to normal. Amidst earthquakes, which flattened human habitats and broke their dikes, and the frightening fireworks of volcanic eruptions, Utnapishtim found himself in a boat which was quickly engulfed by huge flood surges which over-ran the land. The flood surges continued for 156 hours (six days and seven nights) in the midst of huge storms. Finally the water crested and then recoiled and roiled in confusion for a day (12 hours) before it began to recede.

Few of the ancients mentioned numbers, but those that did gave numbers which are very close to Utnapishtim’s seven days and seven nights. Moses, probably repeating Sumerian legends within an Egyptian context, reported that the "creation of the world" took seven days. That is 168 hours and this ancient memory element is the only known datum from which we can infer what the speed of the shifting pole may have been.

Can we infer that the Earth-Phoenix took 12 hours to get up to speed, glided for 144 hours, and then decelerated for another 12 hours? From this, can we calculate that the total time for the event is 168 hours? Perhaps, though it may very well be that is takes longer to accelerate the crust to the point that it is displacing enough water fast enough to produce a huge flood surge. And thus it may also make longer to coast fully to a stop. Regardless, the 168 hours is an extremely important datum for concretely painting a specific scenario of the flight of Earth-Phoenix Five. It is evidentially the duration of the major motion of the avalanche of the crust.

One of the unexpected major "finds" in the ancient memories was the ancient Egyptian story of the Phoenix, most likely among the oldest of the old stories of Egypt. The ancient Egyptians understood and used the concept of the Phoenix intelligently on three levels of meaning to provide a key to ideas related to cosmic cycles, especially those related to the ideas of life, death, and regeneration. All things eventually would become as Phoenix, whisper the subway walls of Egypt, to be reborn, in a new frame of existence. Not in just a renewed cycle or turn of the Khepera (the scarab beetle) wheel of mundane time, but into an entirely new frame of existence, into a fundamental transmutation of the terms of existence.

Egypt’s subway walls also whisper about the Earth AS Phoenix. As Phoenix, the crust of the Earth metaphorically flies to renew the cycle of time for an entirely new epoch of the earth. A great cry is heard across the water. A great flood devastates the land. The Phoenix flies until it finds a "Primeval Mound" on which to perch, where it then builds a new mansion. The gods come and renew humans with the giving of knowledge and means.

Given the extensive parallels between the elements of the Phoenix allegory with elements in the foundation stories of all of the literate cultures of antiquity on all of the continents, the Quest concluded that the Phoenix allegory provides the final key to unlocking the riddles and religious metaphors of ancient Egypt and all other ancient cultures which have strong parallels with Egypt’s "hermetic" astro-numero elements and "feathered" allegories of resurrection and rebirth.

As well, the Phoenix allegory appears to be a key which leads directly to descriptions of the pole shift phenomenon in many cultures. Variations of the Phoenix allegory show up in the oldest, earliest stories of Asia, Africa, the Americas, and Europe. Quite often stories of floods and other catastrophes are associated with plumage and exotic birds, with "the ages" coming to a end, the sky literally changing its appearance, and the appearance of "saviors" or "great teachers". The copious ubiquity of the parallels in the elements of the Phoenix allegory lends very powerful support to the supposition that Utnapishtim’s story is at least partially a valid memory of a planetary event, the flight of Earth-Phoenix Four.

This Phoenix "key" seems also to unlock the origin of various prophecies in many religions and traditional teachings about the "end of the age". Like the prior ages of the past, this current age would also come to an end in a catastrophic manner. God(s), Sages, Saints, Saviors, and a "Heavenly Host" would return to once again create a renewal of the ages. The core of this prophecy and description of its characteristics appear to have been seeded into several cultural traditions at least six thousand years ago, perhaps far earlier, including specifically in Egypt, Bharati, and among the precursors of the Maya and the Toltecs. This realization is not trivial.

In this light, all modern "end time" prophecies are likely to be incomplete, corrupted versions of an earlier, more original projection, the allegory of the Phoenix. Y'shua's prophecy of the "Time of Tribulation", for instance, seems to be a very brief description of SOME of the effects of an avalanche of the crust, more concerned about the aftermath of survival than about the specifics of the flight. His specific advice was: watch, be prepared, be aware, and quickly head for the hills when the time comes. As shall be seen from the scenario which unfolds, that is awfully good advice.

The Four Event Horizons –The Record In The Rocks

The ancient bone-beds tells us that the oceans surged across vast tracts of Siberia and the Pampas of Argentina during the flight of Earth-Phoenix Four. From this it appears that it may be the water which does most of the damage and most of the killing during an avalanche of the crust. The problem arises because the water will not avalanche. The water will attempt with all of its mass and all of its aggregate force to keep rotating in the same easterly direction. When the crust begins to avalanche, the water will be "stationary" from a mathematical point of view. Thus the crust will have to move as if it were plowing through and UNDER the water at all of the leading edges of the land in the direction of the avalanche.

How much some of the continents are flooded will be directly proportional to the speed of the motion of the crust and how far it travels in forcing a pile-up of the ocean waters which can surge over the land. These factors will have a rather dramatic impact on how badly the land and the water will collide. Accordingly, the peak rate of motion, how long the crust takes to reach it, and how long the crust moves at that rate are the prime datum.

At this point we have the line of fall and a very strong candidate for the likely duration of the event. From the records in the rocks we can define how far the avalanche is likely to fall. From these two numbers we can calculate the speed of the avalanche and the likely reactions of the water.

When Hapgood took up the work in defining the pole shift phenomenon, he created an elaborate portfolio of previous locations of the North Pole. These profiles provide data from which we can deduce how far the crust typically shifts. Like Brown before him, Hapgood looked at "ice age" data to define the prior locations of the pole. A polar zone generates, if given enough time, such massive changes in the Earth that the scars will persist for millions of years. Some scars even have been found which date back several hundred million years. After compiling lists for over 100 prior positions of the pole, Hapgood drew up in great detail the event horizons for the last four shifts of the North Pole during the past 120,000 years. He described the shift in the location of the pole (1) to the Yukon (North 63 West 135) some 120,000 Ago, and thence (2) from the Yukon from to the Greenland Sea some 75,000 Ago, (3) from the Greenland Sea (North 72 East 10) to Hudson Bay some 50,000 Ago, and (3) from Hudson Bay (North 60 West 83) to Central Arctic some 12,500 Ago.

From these event horizons and his various lists, Hapgood concluded from the evidence that a shift in the location of the pole might involve accelerated motion over a quick period, able to produce catastrophes like the bone-beds of Argentina and the ivory beds of Siberia, or that the pole might shift over a long drawn out period of a few thousand years. In either case, there were long periods of stability in between the pole shifts. The average "accelerated" movement of these pole shifts was 25-30 degrees.

From the record of the rocks, it is reasonably clear that the previous pole moved from a position in the northern part of Hudson Bay to the Central Arctic, where it is now, for a total distance of approximately 3006 kilometers (1868 miles).

Given the data and concepts he had available in his era of time, Hapgood did quite well in summarizing the basis of a theoretical model for the working of plate tectonics. Since his work, huge volumes of findings have become available which are highly supportive of Hapgood’s event horizons. There are also countess findings which necessitate the serious amendment of his catalog and some of his tectonic notions. Weyer and Huggett demonstrate that there is a high likelihood that the pole has shifted more often than Hapgood posited. This case is most clearly suggested by the profiles of sea level changes during the period of 50,000 to about 18,000 AGO. Small shifts of as little as a half of a degree to a few degree could easily have occurred and positing them makes it possible to consistently correlate the records in the rocks about ancient sea shores.

This work by Hapgood, Weyer, and Huggett is in turn supported dramatically by Zielinski’s work with sulfur ions in the ice on Greenland. The concentrations of calcium CA/2 and sulfate SO2/4 ions in annual ice layers in the Greenland ice sheets reveals the amount of active volcanism on a year by year basis. The more sulfur, the more volcanism and the greater the amount of tectonic activity, at least somewhere in the Northern Hemisphere. It is that simple. Zielinski et al analyzed the sulfur content of 110,000 years of ice and summarized the contents in several charts. (Zielinski et al; "An 110,000-Year Record of Explosive Volcanism from the GISP2 Greenland Ice Core").

Amazingly, the charts by Zielinski et al reveal that a huge spike of tectonic activity commenced within 32 years of Cayce’s date for 52,718 AGO (the date of Hapgood’s Hudson Bay shift and Cayce’s "Second of the Destructions"). Another high peak occurs quite sharply on Cayce’s date of 12,500 BC for the last shift. Several other major peaks of activity correlate extremely well with the notion put forward by Weyer and Huggett that several small pole shifts oscillated back and forth in the North Atlantic zone. More ominously, Zielinski’s sulfur signals show without doubt that it took about 5,300 years after 12,500 for the crust of the Earth to fully "settle down" into the world typical of the early 20th century.

The sulfur profiles also demonstrate that there have been entire "epochs" of heavy tectonic instability which contained, for hundreds of years at a time, even thousands of years at a time, several times more activity than was present during the past 1000 years (1000-2000 AD). This alerts us to the extreme variability of geological epochs, that each tectonic age is likely to have its own unique profile, and that we have no idea what is going to come our way after the pole has settled into a new location.

From the overall profile, it appears as if the pole shifts for a long distance, in accordance with Hapgood’s numbers, after a period of long stability in the volcanic record. Thus the frequent, short shifts most likely belong to distinct epochs which are characterized by greater polar tectonic instability and exceptionally vigorous volcanic activity.

The past 12,500 years are highly likely to have been very stable. Cayce said so, with a 90% confidence, and we know for certain that the precession of the stars has been stable at the current location of the pole since some 6000 years ago. Egyptian and Sumerian ancient literature, in copious quantities from many sources, unmistakably points to such. Accordingly, a large shift from this epoch, like the last shift, may be more probable than a short one. This however, is strictly conjecture in the face of great ignorance.

From the ice of Greenland and Antarctica and from the records in many of the rocks, it is evident that the event can occur in less than a century and some data seems to point sharply to within a few years. Unfortunately, none of the direct data in the rocks can tell us exactly how long the event has lasted in the past. Our science simply cannot distinguish one day from 100 years, it is as if our science is "near-sighted" and anything less than a 100 years is almost always too fuzzy to make out. In fact, even resolution of with 100 years presses science to the limit. Generally, a change of 1000 years looks very much the same as a change of 100 years.

It is the bones which confirm the ancient memories to give us the approximate time frame of the event horizon. The ancient bone-beds, everywhere we look, say the same. Though mute, the bones are amassed in such starkly grotesque piles that they proclaim loudly the sudden planetary catastrophe of a short but overwhelmingly huge event. The huge bone yards speak of massive surges of water such as only a change in the relative direction of the crust could create. The frozen mammoths in Siberia, with temperate zone flora and fauna buried with them, speak loudly of an event which occurred within at most a few weeks. The fossil record simply cannot be explained in any other way.

From the ancient memories we found that the event is primarily described as a distinct event which occurred over a period short enough for survivors, who were caught surprised in a massive flood, to live and pass on rather dramatic stories to their progeny . It is not very probable that humans could survive such an event if it had lasted for more than a few days. Accordingly, the Sumerian figure of 168 hours seems a reasonably good estimate of the period of the greatest motion of the crust.

From the ancient memory we have the duration of the main part of the pole’s movement and from Hapgood we have the distance of the trek, some 3,000 kilometers to the Central Arctic. From these we can calculate a crude estimate of the average speed. The numbers suggest that the whole crust or outer shell of the earth moved at an average rate of 11.9 mph, or lets say 12 mph (19 km/hour). Naturally, this average speed is probably merely an abstraction. It is far more likely that the earth’s crust slowly accelerated to some speed higher than that and then slowly began to decelerate. How to determine that curve of motion I must leave to others more gifted in the mathematical arts.

It may also have overshot its new equilibrium point and had to "hunt" back and forth for it over a period of many days, even possibly for many "moons". This would have kept things unsettled for some additional period of time, roiling the waters about even as the major surges and floods were settling down into a new near "normal" condition for the new polar era.

The Avalanche Of The Crust

Let’s move the crust and see how this works. Park yourself sitting in a lotus position about 10,000 miles (16,000 km) above the North Pole as you did in Chapter 34. You, the earth, and the Moonare tracking parallel in orbit around the sun. Your position relative to the Earth and the Earth relative to you as a whole will not change even slightly during the entire phenomenon of the avalanche in the crust. From your perspective in orbit, things will seem to continue to serenely glide on around the Sun as they have for billions of years.

Like Ourabouris chasing and eating its own tail, the crust most likely avalanches around two relatively fixed points. It most likely tends to act as if it were turning on two pegs (called gimbals) which have been stuck into opposite sides of the earth. Or, the crust will rotate in one direction around an axis which will be perpendicular (at a 90 degree right angle) to the direction of its motion.

To gain the stark simplicity of it, park yourself in orbit once again over the North Pole. It is high summer in the Arctic, not a cloud in the sky, and most of the snow has melted from the land.

  Figure 134 The Central Arctic North Pole
View Over North 90 East 40

Filename: globe above N90 E40.jpg
Source: John Walker, "Earth & Moon Viewer"; Fourmilab; Switzerland, 1999;
from the web at disable /cgi-bin/uncgi/Earth

Now put on your special depth viewer goggles, U.S. Government issue from the USGS, and check the view out again.  In the center of the globe beneath us, the goggles conveniently show a polar ice cap with a radius of 20 degrees.

Figure 135 The Central Arctic North Pole
View Over North 90 East 40

Filename: globe phoenix4 CC.gif
Source: GeoView at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
topographic & bathymetric detail by NOAA NDGC;
see disable

The light grey-green (cyan) color = 150 meters

 The Earth appears about the size of a globe as if it were sitting in your lap. Greenland is on your exact left and Siberia is sitting directly on your right. North America is directly in front, pointing upside down and outward towards the sun. The Sun is out in front of you but way out of your field of vision as you look down toward the earth. Actually North America is at a bit of an angle towards the left because directly in front of you is the long neck of Alaska. You are looking straight down the line of Longitude West 140.

If you were slowly rotating as the Earth rotates, so that Alaska’s neck was always in front of you, you would literally see a straight-line "fall" of the Earth down one side. When the crust avalanches you will see it move in a straight line in one direction for some distance over a period of time. This could range from a few seconds to a few days, or possibly even longer, possibly for weeks, months, or years. The average speed at which Earth-Phoenix Four flew 12,500 years ago is probably 19 kilometers per hour (12 miles per hour).

Given the huge inertia factors in the mass (size) of the earth, it most likely will not crank up to this average speed anytime soon, even after the cosmic forces have set the Phoenix fully in motion. It may easily take several hours or several days for the avalanche of the crust to reach its top speed. It probably also requires some time to gradually slow down and settle into a new location. Thus quite probably the top speed is higher than the average speed.

Now watch as Alaska begins to move slowly down to the south, right down West 140, by a distance of 25 degrees. The Gulf of Alaska (its top edge from your current perspective in orbit) would move about half of the way to the top edge of the disk of the Earth below you. This straight line of motion would continue all around the Earth in a great circle and would come back up to the North Pole through just east of Finland. If this were the line of fall of the avalanche of the crust, this great circle would be the Line of Maximum Motion of the crust. All points on it and near it would move more than all other points. By far, the greatest amount of destructive earth changes from the avalanche will be found along or in the longitudinal sectors adjacent to this Line of Maximum Motion.

The axis of the avalanche of the crust will probably be dead on the equator. For this example, the "gimbals" on which the crust turns would be located directly out from your left side (look straight down Greenland to the equator) and your right side (look straight across Siberia down to the equator). The shape of the earth, hydraulic pressures from the interior, friction factors against the bottom side of the crust, and all other variables suggest that a symmetrical swinging motion centered from the equator, as if hinged at the equator from two gimbals, is the most likely motion.

If you have a globe handy, preferably a plastic beach-ball globe, pick it up and hold it with a thumb on the equator from both sides. Cause it to twirl around a little with your other fingers. That’s it! That’s a pole shift. The areas around these two axis points under your thumbs on each side of the earth, points which I call nodes, will move or shift relatively little. Their relative position in the orbital frame of the Earth will change hardly at all and their absolute orbital motion around the Sun will scarcely be perturbed. These nodes are like the "eyes" of an "earthstorm". They are strong candidates as safe zones, if they are reasonably high and dry and well away from volcanic activity. (Unfortunately, these criteria are difficult to find on the current equator).

Now look down at the Earth once again from your vantage place in orbit. Your left arm and your right arm directly point to and parallel a great circle around the Earth which plunges down and around to connect the nodes together. This line is the Line of Least Motion of the crust because the crust of the earth will turn the least along this line in the tropical zone. But as this line approaches the higher latitudes, the arc of swing increases gradually. Where this line bisects the Line of Maximum Motion the motion of the crust equals the full amount of the shift of the pole. As a very rough rule of thumb, the least amount of Earth Changes will occur along the Line of Least Motion at and near the nodes, but change and damage will increase directly in proportion with the greater swing of the higher latitudes.

With respect to changes and damage, however, there are no guarantees anywhere with an avalanche of the crust. Local and regional tectonic features anywhere along this line may be as severely damaged from various effects as will be found along the Line of Maximum Motion.

Flying On The Wings Of The Earth-Phoenix

From the record in the ivory fields of Siberia we can partially reconstruct Utnapishtim’s event. Before considering what Earth-Phoenix Five may be like, it may be highly instructive to watch what the flight of Earth-Phoenix Four was probably like. From this we can reflect upon the problem of the water. Put your consciousness in fast reverse speed and watch the earth spin rapidly back through the past 120,000 years Occasionally, you notice, the earth’s atmosphere turns exceptionally dark for brief moments and then the angles of the northern landforms directly below you change radically. At 120,000 AGO, you set your consciousness in moderate fast forward and start returning to the present.

As you begin to move back towards the present, you observe that directly below you the Yukon and Alaskan Peninsula is the center of the North Pole. (See Figure 136). You can clearly see huge radiating sheets of ice which seem to flow out over the western half of North America and the northern parts of Canada. You are not surprised to see that Alaska and Siberia are joined. But you definitely are surprised to see that most of Siberia dips radically to the south and that the ice does not extend very far into Siberia.

Figure 136: The Yukon Pole 120,000 Ago
View Over North 65 West 165

Filename: globe phoenix1 yukon.gif
Source: GeoView at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
see disable

As you move back towards the present you notice in far greater detail the progressive unfoldment of many changes in the earth. You see some occasional sudden tilting of the landforms beneath your feet as the sphere of the Earth quickly rolls over for a short distance, for a small part of its radius, without changing its overall position in space. You are observing what some people have described as a pole shift but which is more accurately described as an avalanche of the crust. In respect for the ancient Egyptians who kept alive the memory of the last one and tried to pass the information on to us, who are their extremely distant future, you metaphorically think of it as a flight of the Earth-Phoenix.

You see a most remarkable sudden shift about 75,000 years ago from the Yukon to Greenland, another to Norway about 50,000 years ago, and then you see a succession of short hops, barely noticeable, across the North Atlantic, and finally a large one from eastern Greenland into Hudson Bay.

Figure 137: The Norway Sea Pole 75,000 Ago
View Over North 70 East 10

Filename: globe phoenix2 NS.gif
Source: GeoView at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
see disable

After observing another three short hops in the location of the pole around the Hudson Bay area, your chronometer warns you that you are approaching 12,500 Ago. You slow your conscious speed down to just slightly faster than normal (24:1) to spend a few hours watching the flight of Phoenix Four during the last, memorable sudden shift from Hudson Bay to the Central Arctic 12,500 years ago.

You are parked straight over the north end of Hudson Bay, almost directly over Coats Island. Huge ice sheets spread out in all directions, far down the eastern side of North America. Most of Greenland and most the Canadian Arctic Islands are frozen into the ice sheets. Across the Arctic Ocean, which is almost completely free of ice, you can see the entire outline of the northern edge of the Eurasian continent, from Norway to the tip of the most eastern Peninsula of Siberia (see Figure 138).

Figure 138: The Hudson Bay Pole 50,000 Ago
View Over North 60 West 85

Filename: globe phoenix3 HB.gif
Source: GeoView at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
see disable

As the Earth begins to roll, Hudson Bay begins to fall to the south directly to the front (top) of your line of sight. You focus on the spectacular northern edge of Eurasia because there does not seem to be a cloud in the sky from Siberia to Norway. You have a spectacular view of the leading edge of the Earth’s largest continent.

You notice that the green leading edge of Siberia turns a dark brownish color. You watch curiously as more and more of the northern portion of Eurasia, which first appeared green, begins to turn dark down. While you watch, the color creeps or spreads deep down into Asia. Finally it slows and disappears where Asia was dark green and brown. Eventually you see that a huge green band of northern Eurasia has turned a dark brown color. After a few revolutions you notice that the dark brown color now begins to spread out into the Arctic ocean and eventually changes the color of a vast portion of it. It finally occurs to you that you are looking at a huge reverse flood of water which is laden with Siberian mud. Suddenly you realize that initially the water in the Arctic Ocean inexplicably surged deep into Eurasia, easily 1600 kilometers (1000 miles) from the coast along some sections, and is now returning into the Arctic, bringing back with it immense quantities of mud.

Despite the awesome grandeur of the color changes and movements of the crust, you remember with a sickening feeling about the ivory fields of Siberia. You realize that you have just witnessed the extinction of the largest of the species that had been roaming the plains of Siberia, the mammoths, along with the demise of some tens of million other herbivores.

As it rolled across the plains of Siberia during the first few revolutions (the first few days) the water had roiled the trees, grasses, mammals, sands and soils of the great plains of Siberia into a chocolate brown muddy mess which you could see from high up in orbit. Now that the center of rotation of the crust has moved from Hudson bay to near the north end of Greenland, you can see the water flowing back into the Arctic ocean and beginning to flow out through two ends, through the North Sea and out through the Barents Passage past Alaska..

You decide to investigate the phenomenon more fully. You reverse the flow of time again and bring yourself back to the beginning of this pole shift. Then you bring yourself down to the Siberian plain at the mouth of the River Ob near East 70 and park yourself at an elevation of 300 meters (~1000 feet) a couple of kilometers (about a mile) from the coast facing due north.

The climate is obviously moist, warm but not quite tropical. The wet marine wind you feel is definitely chilly. The plain is a lush verdant green everywhere you look. Obviously it rains here quite often. You can see the huge Ob River and many other different streams of water coursing towards the Arctic Ocean. The plain is dotted with large clumps of trees and grassy savannas stretch in zigzag patterns everywhere below. In the tall grasses you spot herds of mammoths, wooly rhinoceros, antelope, bison, and many other types of grazers.

Suddenly you notice the antelope jump and begin to run pell-mell in their strange zigzag patterns and then you see that all of the mammals have become strangely agitated. Some of the mammoths have actually fallen over and the others are stomping around strangely, waving their trunks and bellowing loudly as only the elephant family can. You observe as well that the water of the river below you is no longer flowing out to sea. In fact, the sea has suddenly begun to flow up the river, as if the tide had changed in the twinkling of a eye. Apparently, you suppose, the shift began and announced its motion in this area with a strong earthquake.

You know what is coming and you look with a growing sense of horror at the Arctic ocean surf. The normally rhythmic pounding of the surf has suddenly disappeared and the water is beginning to roll across the high tide zone up the embankments all along the Siberian coastline. As if by magic, the water seems to grow of its own accord, piling up higher and higher as each minute ticks away. It eerily just keeps rolling higher and higher and neither you nor the mammals below you can comprehend this baffling anomaly.

Your observation from orbit taught you that Siberia is moving to the north at the rate of 19 km/hour (12 miles per hour), but the water in the Arctic Ocean continues to move to the west as it has moved for thousands of years. Consequently, as the Siberian crust moves to the north, it must shove its way under the Arctic Ocean, causing it to pile up and surge across the land. The surge grows higher and higher and begins to flow across the embankments, Soon, the water is rolling 3,6, then 15, even 30 meters (10, then 20, 50, even 100 feet) high across the Siberian plain. As the water surges across the plain, it rolls all that is lighter in a jumble of frothy foam just in front of its main surge, as if it were all just like the flotsam which the waves of the ocean roll across the surf line with each crash of the waves.

Progressively, the Arctic Ocean moves in pushing more and more grasses, weeds, then trees, and progressively more and more animals in front of it, all floundering and rolling at 19 km/hour (12 miles per hour) across the Siberian Plain. Long and flat for hundreds of kilometers (miles), the plains offer little resistance to the Arctic Ocean and soon vast quantities of the Arctic Ocean have surged over the land as the crust has been thrust under the water. The rolling of the water eventually turns vast tracks of Siberia into a dark brown morass.

The water finally begin to crest and slow hundreds of miles to the south where it begins to drop the load it pushed for tens and hundreds of miles. Then slowly the water recedes, pulling back some of its ghastly piles of flotsam while leaving huge islands of muddy carcasses to surround the high spots, progressively flowing back into the Arctic while pulling much with it.

You regret to see that many unfortunate animals actually survived here and there on higher ground. You regret it because you can see that most of the larger mammals which are still living were badly mauled and lie feebly with broken limbs, mired in a vast muddy morass. But soon another fortnight blinks before your eyes and the muddy brown in covered with a blanket of white. A vast carnage quickly disappears into the whiteness of an Arctic winter.

You are staggered by the immensity of the catastrophe on the ground. You return to the serenity of orbit to begin you trip home to the present. You are parked once again straight over the center of spin which is now in center of the arctic ocean. All around the edges of the great circle of the Earth below you, you can clearly see that the skies are dark, very dark, laden with the ash of the torches of the Anunnaki. You pull out your infrared telescope to inspect the Anunnaki. You give up counting them after spotting a hundred hot spots in great long arcs across the top of the Pacific Ocean.

You let the flow of time speed up and you watch as the years begin to spin by. You notice that within a few hundred years much of the southern half of the Hudson Bay ice cap has disappeared and you watch as the remainder slowly melts for another 2000 years. When you finally approach 1999, you freeze frame your consciousness to collect your breath.

Parallels In The Lines of Fall

Take another good look at the 1999 Earth below you in Figure 133 or 134 (The Central Arctic North Pole). We have guessed the speed and the distance for Earth-Phoenix Five from the event horizons of the past. The main question is: what is to be the direction of motion? The crust directly under you is going to go straight over the North Pole, but in what direction? From a consideration of some basic geophysics and two clues given by Cayce, we can probably make a reasonable guess about the direction and thus define an "approximate" scenario of a potential change in the earth. Please note that I stress the word potential, which connotes only a "possible" future, not a clearly certain one.

Look down again on the globe of the earth. As with the Hudson Bay Shift of 10,500 BC, you can see the entire northern outline of the Eurasian continent. Directly in front of you is the Alaskan Peninsula. The West 140 Longitude line cuts directly through the middle portion of the Alaskan Peninsula, almost identical with Alaska’s U.S. borderline with the Yukon Territory. The line plunges out into the Pacific from where Alaska’s so-called "pan-handle" it said to begin. It continues down the Pacific to the South Pole, where it becomes the East 40 Longitude which runs straight up the east side of Africa and through Ethiopia up to the Black Sea and thence right up to Archangel and the North Pole.

We have just divided the Earth into two hemispheres. The hemisphere on your left, which contains Greenland, is not likely to move towards the right. Moving most parts of that hemisphere to the right would require the cosmic forces to push the mass of Greenland "uphill", closer to the spin axis of the North Pole. Since the mass on Greenland has grown, relative to nearly all other areas except Antarctica, its location this far north in opposition to centrifugal force cannot be sustained and this out-of-balance mass should move closer to the equator, it should not move closer to the spin axis. I say "should" because I am speaking technically without knowing the hard numbers of the exact mass balances on the earth.

Now if you look directly through the Earth from the North Pole, as if it were a clear plastic beach-ball with the continents printed on it, you can easily see that the greater bulge of Antarctica parallels, uncannily, the northern outline of Siberia just to your right. As a matter of fact, the line of East 80 to 90, which comes straight up through the middle of the Himalayas and just west of Mongolia, probably represents the line of the average overall mean mass of the ice on the bulge of Antarctica (I have not measured this with geophysical equations, I am deducing this directly from the visual proportions just exactly as an artist deduces balance and proportion in any composition).

This East 80-90 sector, as it comes up from the South Pole, must represent very closely the general average direction of one of the main vector forces which is acting to pull the earth’s crust from up at the bottom to force Siberia to glide right over the north spin axis. Notice that motion along this East 80-90 sector will allow the ice mass of Greenland to go south at the same time.

However, there is a fairly big problem with motion along this vector. The big problem is the Himalayas. The mass in the central Asian highlands is stupendous. The Himalayas are not likely to go directly north uphill against the centrifugal push towards the equator. Erosion during the past 12 thousand years has no doubt slightly lightened the Himalayas and thus has probably loosened the hold of the centrifugal forces which are pushing these stupendous mountains toward the equator. But it is doubtful that erosion has actually lightened this general area of the planet very much. Most of the original mass of the Himalayas is now merely lying on the bottom of the Indian Ocean still quite close to the Himalayas. From a global perspective, this area is now only a little lighter, by about the mass of the ocean water which the sediments from the Himalayas have displaced. (That displaced water probably ended up on Antarctica).

In other words, moving up East 80 or 90 is probably a tough climb for an avalanche of the crust. It is not likely to be a downward vector. Motion along approximately East 150 would be far more likely. It looks mostly downhill. This line stretches out almost exactly in an opposite direction from Greenland and reaches around to bisect the planet by plunging down the Pacific through western Australia to connect to Antarctica just to the west of the Ross Sea. The eastern lobe of Antarctica’s ice-laden bulge would head straight north and most of Antarctica would experience some net motion towards the north while Greenland would plunge straight south. The Himalayas would merely cartwheel a bit, some of the Himalayas would go south, some would go north, the net latitude change for the area would be close to zero, thus the cosmic forces would not have to push a load uphill.

Motion along that line seems highly possible, which would bring the next pole right on top of eastern Siberia. Without Cayce’s clues, this is the guess I would make if I had not spotted the footprints of the Phoenix up along East 40. It has the virtue of being the simplest choice which is not contradicted by any other factor. As such, it almost appears to be the most perfectly obvious choice. However, the universe is seldom so conveniently easy. And Cayce left us an emphatically stated clue, more than once, which would seem to make the pole shift along that line impossible.

Cayce mentioned that Virginia Beach/Norfolk area would be a safe area, that Norfolk was in line to be an area which would rise, rather than sink. If the pole moved up East 150, the East Coast of America would be thrust towards the tropics. The North American Continent would be shoved directly under the higher sea levels of the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Even if the speed and total distance of the shift were relatively small, the danger on the North American Eastern Seaboard would be quite high. Huge flood surges would likely wipe it clean and the higher sea levels (which come with latitudes closer to the equator) could put a portion of it permanently under water. Under this scenario, we would end up with zip for humans on the U.S. East Coast, Virginia Beach included.

It appears that there is only one way Cayce’s statements can be true. One of the nodes of the turn of the avalanche on the equator must be located to the south of Norfolk on a fairly close longitude. To be a safe area, Norfolk needs to move away from the water during the flight, and it ideally should stay about the same in latitude or even gain in latitude.

There seems to be a compromise vector line which fulfills a portion of the criteria formed by Cayce’s clues. You are practically sitting on it and I have been talking about it all along since spotting the tracks of the Phoenix running up along the line. Look straight down again on line East 40. It runs very close to Archangel in northern Russia just to the east of Finland and Murmansk. In fact, Archangel is about the same distance from the Central Arctic as the Hudson Bay Pole was from where the North Pole now sits.

If the crust avalanches to move Archangel straight north to become the new North Pole of the Earth’s spin axis, the node of the turning of the avalanche will be in the mouth of the Amazon River on about Longitude West 50. The eastern U.S., especially the Norfolk area, would be decently close to the line of least movement of the crust and would be north of the node by about 43 degrees. North America as a whole would rotate counterclockwise to the left, pulling the Eastern Seaboard away from the water as Archangel slides north to become the spin axis. Almost all of Antarctica would move to the north along its broad heavy side and the Himalayas would move and cartwheel obliquely to the northeast. Norfolk would twist and go sideways to some extent.

But one problem remains from Cayce’s clues which I cannot resolve. The Eastern Seaboard would move to the south by an average of about 15 degrees. This shift in latitude to the south probably will raise the sea levels enough to amply fulfill all of Cayce’s predictions about the flooding of New York and the sinking of Georgia and Alabama. But It would also be more than enough to drown out Norfolk unless there is an active uplift of the area, along with an uplift of the Bahamas and Bimini Islands to raise more of ancient Atlantis above the waters to fulfill Cayce’s predictions about that area.

The easiest way for Norfolk to gain elevation vis-a-vis the sea level is to gain in latitude, i.e. to go to the north where the depth of the oceans is shallower. If it did so the water would recede permanently from the coastline. The Bimini and Bahamas Islands would also swing up to the north and their coastlines would recede, literally some of Atlantis would automatically rise again above the waves. Since there is a lot of shallow acreage throughout those chains, there would be a lot of new real estate out there. But this would also act to dry out New York, Georgia, and Alabama , not sink them. Obviously, we have an apparent contradiction. Equally obviously, Cayce must have been reading a combination of a latitude change with a tectonic uplift or downlift of some portions of the North American Eastern Seaboard. But he neglected to explain which was which.

I cannot make the force vectors of Greenland, Antarctica, and the Himalayas work in such a way as to shift Norfolk to the north, thus I selected East 40 as the best overall compromise. It squarely fits all of the tectonic facts and is very close to the center of maximum stress in the Eurasian Plate from the perihelion push of Antarctica to the equator. East 40 must be fairly close to the line of fall which is coming.

I assume that the shape of the Atlantic Ocean bottom is not likely to stay the same as it has and that relatively small changes in the basin will have drastic changes on the shorelines of North America. Simple changes, such as relatively minor downwarping or some uplifting, could account for Cayce’s predictions. Thus, having Norfolk move to the south is not necessarily a contradiction in terms and for the rest of the Eastern Seaboard, the motion to the south easily fulfills Cayce’s predictions.

Other alternative scenarios can be easily projected, each of them equally convincing and all of them suffering from an equal amount of ignorance. In general terms, it seems that the crust of the Earth can turn the maximum amount in a great arc through a sector between the longitude lines of West 130 to 170 in the Pacific and between East 10 and 50 through Europe and Africa.

To make a really good guess, one would need to run a lot of hard data through a lot of sophisticated mathematics on a supercomputer model of the earth. Second to that, after intuitively paralleling the various vector lines of force on my plastic beachball globe, I have concluded that movement up East 40 is nearly as good a guess as can be made.

Such movement allows most of Greenland to fall absolutely to the south as the crust moves but it does not require the Himalayas to move directly to the north. They cartwheel somewhat obliquely to the northeast. The high mountainous plateaus of North America and northeast Asia all fall to the south, more than outweighing the Alps of Europe and the mountains in Africa. The Andes cartwheel slightly changing their average latitude hardly at all, if at all. Most importantly, all of Antarctica is enabled to fall directly to the north along the broad front of its mass. I have thus selected the East 40 line to serve as an example of what appears to be a serious APPROXIMATE candidate for the line of maximum movement of the crust.

The Line of Maximum Movement

If Earth-Phoenix Five flies as did Earth-Phoenix Four, the crust of the Earth will swing up from the bottom and move along East 40 at an average rate of 12 miles per hour (about 19 km/hour) for a period of some 168 hours, which is approximately a week. Such movement will bring the North Pole about 25 degrees to the south of its current location, which would place it somewhere in the vicinity of Archangel in northern Russia, nearly in the middle of the Bay of the "White Sea". The South Pole will move up West 140 to a location approximately 830 miles (1336 kilometers) out to Sea in the middle of the Pacific Ocean almost directly midway between Australia and the tip of South America.

Doubtless the worst of the changes in the earth will occur along this Line Of Maximum Movement and in the nearby sectors. As the Earth-Phoenix moves, all areas along the Line Of Maximum Movement will move the most, will experience the greatest shift in latitude, and will thus receive the greatest stresses. The stress will provide these areas the most energy for uplifting, downlifting, for moving fault lines, for shaking the earth, and, not least, for driving volcanic eruptions. The motion of the crust along this line against both the atmosphere and the water, which will continue at first in their old patterns, will necessarily create the worst reactions in the form of massive flood surges and freak weather rampages.

The Hebrew, Persian, and Chaldean prophets all predicted loudly and dramatically that the Earth would shake, tear things asunder, and all would fall down. The flight of the Earth Phoenix up East 40 will take it straight up the middle of the ancient Middle East to give this area maximum movement and change. If the earth does shake as it moves along the line of maximum movement, it will definitely shake in this Middle Eastern area which is the intersection of tremendous tectonic plate tensions between Africa and Eurasia. Even if most of the Earth does not shake as the Phoenix flies, it is highly likely to shake throughout the Middle Eastern area. It is not likely that the killer quakes in Turkey and Greece, which have occurred within five degrees of this line during 1999, are random, isolated coincidences.

All along the maximum line of movement, the greatest immediate damage will result from the huge reaction surges in the water as the moving crust plunges against and beneath the ocean water. The oceans, lakes, and rivers will initially keep moving as they always have been for the last 12,500 years, from west to east. As the crust begins to pivot in a new direction to the north or the south, it will begin to move sideways directly against the stationary water (speaking relativistically). It will seem that the water has gone crazy but all of the force behind the crazy water will come as a result of the land colliding with the water. The water will pile up and surge beyond its normal boundaries before it can synchronize its angle of rotational motion with the bizarre motion of the crust which is cutting across it.

All of the leading edge of the land areas which are going north up East 40 or moving south down West 140 will experience huge pile-ups of the water of the oceans. These flood surges may mount up to as much as several hundred feet (a few hundred meters), depending upon how fast the crust moves, how much water is available to pile up, the "lay of the land", and how channeled or contained the water is.

The coastlines which most likely will be hit the hardest are those in the northern arc of the Pacific ocean. The north Pacific Ocean can supply virtually an endless supply of water to overflow the continental landmasses. Alaska’s coastlines, because it lays directly on the path of motion, will be hit the hardest. In the same way that the leading edge of Siberia was hit during the flight of the fourth Phoenix, all the forces will pile up great quantities of surging flood water against the leading edge of Alaska (southern Alaska).

After the flight many shorelines and coastlands may be unrecognizable as a result of the severe damage and erosion which results from these flood surges. Because of their extreme shift in latitude, these areas may also experience major changes in their sea levels. Since sea level is the highest at the equator and the lowest in the northern latitudes as a result of centrifugal motion, any land which move towards the equator may lose shoreline and any area which moves away from the equator may gain shoreline. For some sectors of the earth, this will produce severe flooding and a major loss of territory. For other sectors, this will produce a drastic lowering of the sea and thus result in a major increase in territory. If this sounds like a sweepingly radical proposition, rest assured, it is. That is exactly what has happened frequently throughout geological time. The records in the rocks of every continent for every age attest to these sudden, radical changes in sea level.

The New North Pole In Archangel

If the crust moves as radically as it moved from Hudson Bay to the Central Arctic, some 3000 kilometers (1868 miles), the new North Pole will end up somewhere on the northern end of Norway, Sweden, Finland, or close to Archangel in Russia. But there is definite possibility that the flight of Earth-Phoenix Five may be less severe. The crust may not shift as far on the average and so with these numbers we may be using a worst case scenario. Then again, it could be even worse.

The truth is, we are probably fairly far away from truly understanding an "average" or "typical" movement of the shifting of the poles. Nonetheless, for purposes of this scenario, a motion of 25 degrees down East 40 and has been selected. There have been at least four such shifts in the pole during the past 120,000 years, including the last one. And 25 degrees fits Cayce’s clues to a "T".

Figure 139: The North Pole of the Fifth World
View from over North 65 East 40

Filename: globe phoenix5 AR.gif
Source: GeoView at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
see disable

At Longitude East 40 and Latitude North 65, which is about where Archangel is, the new pole will do more than change Europe in the twinkling of an eye. It will end a great part of Europe as an inhabited area. All of Europe’s sea levels will fall radically after the flight surges drain away, and the new shorelines will be far out to sea in most places. The Baltic and the North Sea may largely disappear and the northern coastlines of Scandinavia and Russia will extend much further out into the Arctic ocean in most areas. But few people will be left to make use of the new land nor will anyone think to move into the vacant tracts. A huge ice cap will eventually cover most of the new land and this ice cap will eventually create the imbalances which will cause the sixth Phoenix to fly someday.

The ice sheets for the new polar ice cap will slowly grow to radiate outward for a distance of some 20-25 degrees in all directions. This will more or less cover most of what we think of as eastern and northern Europe. All of Norway, Sweden, Denmark, the Netherlands, northeastern Germany, Poland, the Baltic States, Finland, and most of European Russia, down to the middle of the Caucasus, will become covered by ice which never melts and slowly grows into thicker and thicker sheets which covers everything.

Lying within 10 degrees of the new ice cap, England, Germany, and southeastern Europe will develop the climate which Iceland has today. Southern France, Italy, Greece, and Turkey will suffer a climate similar to today’s Alaska/Yukon climate. The mountains will sport very large glaciers in the mountains and they will endure very long, cold winters. Spain should fare the best, its weather should become rather like today’s England.

The New South Pole

The new South Pole should move 25 degrees up Longitude West 140 and come to rest at Latitude South 65, which is about midpoint between Australia and South America. Australia and South America will remain virtually the same distance from the center of the South Pole but Auckland will now be about 15 degrees closer to the South Pole on Latitude South 50. The climate of most of New Zealand will become wetter and colder than present.

The Western Coast of Antarctica will end up in about Latitude 50 which will initiate a radically different polar regime for the Fifth World. A large portion of the western region will eventually have a climate similar to the Pacific Northwest. Most likely the ice sheets will melt over about two thirds of the continent during a period of about 500 to 2000 years. Ice will probably only remain on a small section of the continent between the Ross Sea and the Wendell Sea. This favorable climate may make it a magnet for development several generations in the future. But erosion processes will be extreme for hundreds of years and no doubt this will make settlement unsuitable for many generations.

Figure 140: The South Pole of the Fifth World
View from over South 65 West 140

Filename: globe phoenix5 southpole.gif
Source: GeoView at the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center;
see disable

Basic Reactions To Sudden Motion In The Crust

When the crust begins to move to a new direction, how will the Earth beneath our feet react? What will the motion feel like? Will it glide, or will it rattle? Or will it do a bit of both? If both, to what degree, when, and where? How will the oceans impact the coastlines? What areas will flood, which are safe? And the volcanoes, what can we expect from the volcanoes?

The specific details of all of this are exactly imponderable. Even if we knew the flight plan to within an arcminute, we would still be faced with huge imponderables about how the Earth reacts to the stresses and motions of the flight. The bottom line on all exact details for any area is well beyond our fathoming lines, which suggests that we must expect virtually anything.

The only thing which is certain is change itself. And, because the very foundation of our reality will suddenly be unstable and no longer predictable, the change will be extremely frightening. In some areas, the turbulence may be so loud and apparently overwhelming, many may die from sheer terror. Some may literally be shaken to death. And in some areas, the ride may be so smooth, people may remain almost oblivious to what is going on. What is the most frightening is that we can’t be sure, except for a few obvious points, which of these will happen where.

One of the great imponderables is that the reactions in the crust in any given area will depend entirely on how quickly the crust begins to move and how long it takes to reach its top speed. A shift in the pole which takes three months will most likely not create flood surges such as devastated Siberia and other areas. But a pole shift at 19 km/hour most definitely will generate a terrible surging of the oceans over some portions of some continents. A pole shift of one month duration may average out the earthquaking along all of the fault lines into a low, constant trembling of the earth which is widely experienced but easily survived. A pole shift of one week may generate such a high level of constant vibration at the major tectonic stress points along the line of fall that huge numbers of mammals and humans in such locations may die as much from shock and terror as from any other cause. Or, an intense period of a few hours of heavy vibrations may ripple slowly in waves down the latitudes, sort of like the undalations of a snake as it moves.

Though we can guesstimate some of the general types of reactions, we can’t tell specifically how intense they will be. As we attempt to fathom them we descend rapidly into the bygosh and the bygolly of possibilities, tendencies, and potentials. Here we are so ignorant we are no doubt prey to the strange nostrums of Crazy Aunts or our own projections. There is just no solid ground from this point on.

Nor can we be certain about the location of the new pole. Even just minor differences from our guesstimate, just one degree of difference in angles or distance, will have huge consequences for specific local areas. Thus without doubt, this scenario is at best highly speculative and will fail to grasp the entire scope and the correct magnitude of the change in the earth.

It will take a well-measured Earth and an electronically observed experience with a serious pole shift before Earth scientists will be able to get a scientific handle on how to predict major movements in the crust and the various effects of such avalanches. In the meantime, we simply don’t know what will happen in specific terms to any particular point on the crust. The best that we can say is that it will all move, but anything can happen anywhere and a lot of strange things will happen in a lot of places. This may include the phenomenon of one part of the earth, say Ontario, riding smoothly the entire time without an earthquake while points which seem at the convergence of stress from many angles, such as Japan or Southern California, may shake virtually non-stop.

Scrying The General Movement

There is one rule of thumb which may prove predictive in most circumstances. Probably, as can be seen in the broadest tectonic trends, most of what will happen will be within the general direction of the trends which we can already see in motion in the crust. Most likely, the pole shift is best understood as a sudden acceleration of all of the existing trends at work in the tectonic motions of the earth. If so, all existing local trends will briefly accelerate. If an area is uplifting or downwarping, the stress of the flight will probably work to substantially increase the rate of uplift or downwarp during the flight and possibly for some period afterwards. This acceleration may be extremely rapid. There may be 100,000 years of annual tectonic motion packed into a ride of a few days. There may be a million years of such motion packed into these few days.

To keep things truly interesting for Earth scientists, the acceleration of existing trends may not necessarily be true in every instance. Cayce indicated that portions of Atlantis will rise again. This will be a reversal of the prevailing trends in the area. If it occurs, it will be a significant and final addition to Cayce’s formal record because it is not only NOT predictable from prevailing science and trends, if is exactly the opposite of what one would expect, given the current role of the Carib plate in causing the subsidence of the Poseidian plate (the Bimini/Bahamas plate fragment).

Another rule of thumb seems appropriate. It is difficult to imagine a mechanical object the size of the Earth-Phoenix suddenly moving in a new direction, at a right angle to its current motion, without generating a lot of mechanical chatter between the fixed parts in its crust. I believe it is more probable than not the entire ride will go pretty much like the ancient memories and the prophets described it. Many places, if not most, will shake and create a terrible turmoil, a tribulation not seen since the beginning of the nations. If so, the odds are, as if we do not have enough to deal with already, everything will fall down in portions of the earth. Almost certainly this must be true for all of the existing areas of major tectonic stress. All of those areas are well shown on Chart Figure 323. Accordingly, if you are located within the earthquake zones of Chart Figure 323, expect the worst possible damage from earthquakes.

The Inscrutable Great Dragon Line

Earth scientists have mapped in great detail the strange sinuous yingyang crack which wends all around the Earth on the ocean floor. This crack is not likely to move evenly as a unit. In fact, it seems ideally designed to allow the earth’s crust to move in "waves". Its architecture seems especially ideal for motion at 90 degrees to its west-to-east rotational motion. It can and most likely does flex unevenly, one side and one quadrant of the planet at a time. This necessarily produces uneven stresses upon the ocean plates and continents. From this flexing of the great rift, which may work similarly to the undalating motion of a snake which alternatively expands and contracts, the general motion of the crust is highly likely to accelerate the relative motion between the continents even as the entire crust is gliding over the poles.

In some places this flexing will push continents closer together, in some places it will spread them a little further apart. Just how much flexing and relative motion will occur is far beyond anyone’s ability to scientifically guess. Supercomputers, using the data of a previous flight, are necessary to answer such questions. But there is one thing about this which is certain, the outer crust is thin, rigid, and very brittle. Only a small amount of new torque and motion will produce severe faulting, downlifting, uplifting, and huge earthquakes in some portions of the earth. That is very certain from the history of the past 100 years and the principles of vortex tectonics.

The Inscrutable Plumage of the Phoenix

One of the most important variables is the thickness of the crust which will move. The thicker it is, the less the plates of the crust will dip, shake, rattle, and rock. But this is another of the imponderables, we are at a complete impasse in knowing just how functionally thick it is.

Geologists and seismologists have invented a number of names to describe various layers of it and appear to agree that, speaking THEORETICALLY, the solidified crust should be about 80 km thick. Below this point, the "mantle" of the Earth is supposed to be technically hot enough to be fluid under both the oceans and the continents. Thus, it would seem that theoretically the crust could overflow the core and the mantle anywhere below about 80 km.

But eighty kilometers (about 50 miles) is not much of a solid crust for an object the size of the earth, which is some 12,700 kilometers in diameter. It is virtually eggshell thin and seems far too mechanically outclassed by all of the cosmic force vectors to act as truly a solid cohesive shell. Given the immensity of the masses and forces, this crystallized eggshell of 80 km is almost a joke. Technically speaking, it seems as if it ought to be nothing more than splinters, held together perhaps like fractured glass is held together through lateral pressure and the adhesive qualities of a plastic layer underneath it. Any ride on such an 80 km shell is likely to be very rough, everything made unstable as the edges of all splinters grind against all other edges, making everything unpredictable everywhere.

Fortunately, seismic data suggests that the actual crust is much thicker than eighty kilometers. Earthquakes are constantly occurring down to a depth of about 800 km. To generate an earthquake you have to create a sudden "breaking" or "colliding" movement between two relatively fixed structures. Thus our sonic and seismic data seems to tell us that that the "fixed earth" crustal system extends far down below the theoretical "melt point", down into the mesosphere to 800 km. At that depth, "earthquakes", or we should say "movement" of fixed structures ends. Beyond this point, the Earth seems so fluid that certain types of sonic waves are completely dampened out and all others are radically bent as if they were flowing through water.

If the crust overflows at this level, it means that the moving shell, literally the Earth-Phoenix, composes 800 km or about 12.6% of the diameter of the earth. If this is the plumage of the Earth-Phoenix, it would seem that it should slide relatively easily as a unit. Accordingly, the basic flight should offer relatively little mechanical vibration from friction against the mantle, but the whipsaw action in any particular spot from the bending and cracking of the crust as it forms a slightly different shape could be pretty radical.

Most of this shell is very hot and it thus must be fairly plastic through about 85% of its thickness. The huge layer of hot, semi-plastic material probably gives the overall crust a great deal of self-repairing "cohesion" to hold itself together as a unit. It can easily bend to assume any shape and the great mass of the semi plastic material easily has enough gross mechanical leverage to easily crack any constrictions in the flaky brittleness of the top crystalline layer.

It is apparent that very small perturbations, small variations in composition, density, thickness, cracking, and friction could, through the hugely long leverage effects in the great arc of the crust, cause a great number of slight variations in relative motion between various parts of the earth. These small variations would translate into largely unpredictable "warping" variations on the surface, bunching it up here, thinning it out there, lifting it up in places, puckering it down in others. Thus, small variations in various locations of the immensity of the Earth could easily crack the surface in a large number of locations and create an endless number of surprises.

From an orbital perspective, these effects would be scarcely noticeable compared to the main act of the avalanche of the crust. But to the mammals living within them, these effects will have in some locations the dimensions of horrible, unimaginable catastrophes.

The Ellipsoid Changes & The Shaking Of The Earth

One of the greatest unknowns is exactly how the Earth adjusts its ellipsoid shape. Each time the Earth-Phoenix flies, the Earth’s ellipsoid shape falls out of synch with the cosmic balances. The old pole must rise, the new pole must sink. Conversely the old equator must flatten out and the new equatorial region must gain width.

It is technically correct to describe the Earth as an ellipsoid with an uneven shape, but this sort of language is highly misleading. Billiard balls are less true in round than is the Earth. It is far more meaningful to consider the Earth as very nearly a perfect sphere. The Earth’s so-called bulge is, speaking relativistically, only a very minor feature of the whole Earth. Accordingly, again speaking relativistically, there is not much which needs to be adjusted and it will not take much to adjust it.

For purposes of illustration I have tended to talk in the extremes of the pole and the equator. But the reality is that the force vector ellipsoid (the shape produced by centrifugal motion) is a smooth curve from pole to equator. Thus the whole Earth is involved in the shape-shifting. What needs to be adjusted is the exact curvature of the arc of the outer edge of the crust from the equator to the pole by about one-third of a degree. This degree of shape-shifting is a minor act for the mass of the planet, which for the most part is plastic enough to easily assume any shape the cosmic forces impel upon it.

This will happen for the most part "hydraulically", probably without our feeling it. The liquid mantle will maintain its existing shape and hydraulically force the plastic and semi-molten portions of the crust to conform to its shape. Centrifugal motion will do the rest, pushing the plastic portions of the crust to define a slight new angle of "sag" towards the equator.

Only the "lay" of the crystalline portion of the solid crust needs to be "mechanically adjusted". From an orbital and tectonic point of view, this is a minor issue. From such a point of view, all the existing fracture joints in the crystalline portions can simply flex slightly to assume the new "lay". The crystalline crust, after three billion years or so of ceaseless polar motion, lunar/solar dragging through the Primary Tectonic Cycles, asteroid strikes, and previous ellipsoid changes forced by at least several hundred pole shifts, is riven with fractures everywhere one looks, ranging from tiny microfractures to larger and larger cracks which range up in size to continental-sized earthquake faults. Solid rock? Where? There isn’t any on this planet. The crystalline crust is not really solid, its apparent solidity is only an illusion. It is just a lot of fragmented crumbles shoved tightly together through lateral tension.

Most of the apparent strength of rigidity of this crust probably resides in the hot plastic "meld" of its underside, the 720 plastic kilometers of the crust where heat has melded the crumbles into a semi-molten matrix. Whatever shape those plastic kilometers assume, that’s what shape the attached crystalline crumbles will easily take.

The transform wedges are the perfectly obvious evidence of how the Earth-Phoenix readjusts the greater portion of the crumbles and its plastic ellipsoid shape in relatively short order as it flies. Great archate cracks in the bottom of the ocean bisect the great yingyang rift every hundred miles (160 kilometers) or so. These huge cracks, which geologists call transform faults, split the ocean bottom for several hundred to thousands of kilometers in length, mostly in an east west direction, uncannily mirroring the latitudes. More than likely these cracks continue right under each continent. (see Figure 141: The Transform Latitude Wedges).

Figure 141: The Transform Latitude Wedges

Source: Heezen Topographical Relief Maps of the Ocean Bottoms, circa 1976, NOAA

Maps of these transform faults make the ocean bottom appear as a succession of stripes. If one could paint every other wedge between the faults, the ocean bottom would look like a zebra from orbit. One of the reasons these are so well observed and known by Earth scientists is that the cracks have strongly tended to produce wedges which have moved up and down by different amounts. The wedges have, in other words, different elevations or depths.

Notice how Figure 141 also shows three distinctly different angles of stripes, with the most recent angle the most prominent. In these archate wedges we probably are looking at the secret of how the Earth’s crust adjusts it shape to maintain an ellipsoid shape. The Earth’s internal hydraulic pressure, acting though the liquid of the mantle, most likely forces these various wedges to uplift or downwarp to perfectly recreate a slightly ellipsoid nearly perfect spherical shape which slightly flattens the poles and slightly bulges out the equator, leaving each pole shy of a perfect circle by about 10 km and the equator thicker by about 10 km on each side. With the three different angles in Figure 141, we are probably looking at three different pole shift events.

Centrifugal force probably creates the adjustment as part of the general avalanche. As the crust rolls over, the bands traveling towards the equator will stretch apart slightly and erupt outwards slightly along long latitudinal lateral lines. Those that end up on the equator will erupt outwards the most. The bands traveling toward the spin axis will pinch together and cause buckling, both as erratic uplifts and as progressive downwarps. The cracks will flex, some wedges will drop, others will rise.

The adjustments of the transform wedges will necessarily create a lot of shaking in the Earth which may be widely felt even through the insulating effects of the continental crust. Will this mean that the entire ride will shake, rattle and rock in most areas? There is a distinct possibility that everyone will feel these vibrations but you need a psychic to answer this one specifically. The ancient memories claim, which were repeated by the prophets, that the whole Earth will shake. I suspect that in some areas the vibrations from the ellipsoid changes in the shape of the Earth will scare, literally, large numbers of mammals shitless.

And that is not all. The ellipsoid changes underneath the oceans will create completely unpredictable effects, some of which may take the form of tsunamis. All of the waters of the oceans will roil considerably and large numbers of tsunamis may be continuously generated. All coastlines, Cayce’s Virginia Beach safety-land prediction and any other comment in this chapter NOT WITHSTANDING, should be considered highly dangerous and prone to repeated, random tsunami wave action ranging from minor to catastrophic.

Erratic Block Upthrusts

The ocean bottom has many examples of strange, flat-top mountains under the sea which are called guyots. These very high plateaus, which were never created by volcanic action, often rise very steeply from several thousand meters. On the continents many other examples of inexplicable escarpments and upthrust plateaus and mesas can be found.

A radical avalanche of the crust can explain them quite easily. Apparently, many small erratic blocks of the crust were "pinched" by lateral pressure in such a way as to cause them to erupt outwards in isolation from the crust around them during the process of ellipsoid adjustment. Expect a lot of surprises.

The Surge Wave in the Waters

This phenomenon is not categorized among known scientific phenomenon and hence it has no name nor any exact description. It is not a tidal wave nor a tsunami, it is a flood surge which just keeps building up for as long as the crust of the Earth is moving into it.

The water in the oceans, lakes, and rivers will initially keep moving in the same direction as they always have, from west to east. As the crust begins to pivot to the north or the south, it will directly collide with the rotation of the water. The water will pile up against the leading edges of the crust and surge over it into the land. All water in all bodies, in the lakes, rivers, and oceans, will react in the same way and thus they are all potentially dangerous.

The water of many lakes, if not inhibited by dikes and banks, may entirely spill out and begin to flow randomly over the land. Some rivers may do the same in some locations. The islands will seem to become ships, cutting through the oceans and leaving long wakes. Like the bow of any ship, the islands will generate a pile-up and heavy flow of water along both sides of its "prow". The lee sides of the islands will move away from the water and thus should be affected very little.

Unfortunately, many islands may have a relatively huge leading edge which hits the ocean water broadside. Even if the island is moving at just 12 mph, the water will pile up at some points on the leading edge much higher than the highest high tide. Accordingly, the sea may surge over shorelines to flood what could be large areas of flat, coastal land.

The water will cut across the ground, which on most shorelines is soft sedimentary material, in a constant direction at 12 mph. Doubtless, the erosion rate will be severe in such circumstances. After 168 hours of such erosion many shorelines and coastal areas will no longer be remotely recognizable. The shorelines and coastal soils of many islands may end up on the lee side of the island as huge bars which trail the islands for a considerable distance. Many coastlines may simply disappear into huge sand and gravel bars located dozens, even hundreds of kilometers (hundreds of miles) away.

The problem is incalculably more terrible with a continental land mass which moves broadside into the ocean. Most of the water will never be able to flow around it, as with the islands. The water will have to flow over the land. Throughout the entire flight, the water will continue to pile up and surge in greater and greater depths against and over the entire "leading edge" coastline of a continent.

It is inevitable, for a 168 hour flight at 12 km/hour, that the equivalent of up to 1000 kilometers or so of offshore ocean water will be found rolling across some continents at an average depth of 15 or 30 meters (50, or 100 feet), or even a few hundred meters (several hundred feet) depending upon how the land shapes and funnels the water flow.

This effect is not conjecture. This is the classic signature of the Earth-Phoenix phenomenon, the evidence which proves that sudden avalanches of the crust occur. This is the catastrophe which has caused major mass extinctions in the past and has left most of the fossil records in the mass bone yards of the Earth. There are many large continental areas which rarely exceed 50 meters of elevation (a couple hundred feet) for distances of up to a 1600 kilometers (1000 miles). The record in the rocks clearly testifies that huge flood surges have swept across vast stretches of such continental flat plains while pushing everything lighter than rocks before it.

Latitude Sea Level Gradation

Centrifugal force stacks the water up into greater and greater depth as one travels from the pole to the equator. Huggett, in "Cataclysm and Earth History", discusses how the ellipsoid nature of the Earth’s surface creates a different latitude "sea level" as one moves down from the pole to the equator. This creates a real difference in the shape of the oceans and hence the "sea level" for any given region.

This is an effect few think about, even Earth scientists, but this effect will most likely create many of the greatest long range changes in the earth. Any land moving towards the equatorial sea level will lose coastline as the sea level rises. Any land moving away from the equatorial sea level will gain some land on its coastline. By merely shifting South America to the north, the sea level on its northern end drops away and it gains coastal land. Conversely, if the Central Arctic shifts in any direction, the depth of the water in the Arctic Ocean will increase and drown out portions of Siberia and Canada.

Any movement of an island or continent into deeper equatorial water will confound the problems created by the surge wave. Far more water may become available in the surge to stack up onto the continent or over the island than simple distance and time calculations might tell us. But just exactly how pronounced this effect will be for any given area or latitude is impossible to say.

Unable to account and predict for the change in the ellipsoid shape of the Earth, Weyer ignored it and assumed that the shape of the crust would remain the same while it moved under or through the "ellipsoid of the oceans". He assumed the water would remain in the same location and shape while the crust changed its location. Huggett created an interesting table from Weyer’s work to show the different "depths" for various latitudes to illustrate how the sea level might change for a given area as a result of a pole shift. Even a shift of just one degree of latitude, assuming that the Earth does not at all change its shape, would cause a change in sea level of over 300 meters in about two thirds of the Earth. A 25 degree shift in latitude, if this simple ellipse equation ruled, would mean changes of as much as 10,000 meters (~30,000 feet).

This number is of course impossible and the assumption behind it is almost certainly unrealistic. Most of the ocean basins are mostly not that deep. And, despite its approximate symmetry, the Earth is not precisely even, which will throw off any calculations with each slight change in the angle of the change.

To these not so slight problems we must add that, as the Earth-Phoenix moves and the great ocean rift flexes and the transform wedges rise and fall, the ocean basins will change their shapes. But exactly to what degree and how soon any of this will happen is largely unpredictable unless you have a vastly superior science and databanks of observations about a flight or two. Thus the equatorial sea level most likely will have to adjust and conform to an entirely new but completely unpredictable shape in the ocean basins. Thus Huggett’s table is of little use in predicting the sea level consequences for any given shift in the pole.

So, most sadly, we have no way of knowing exactly what will happen to most shorelines. The best we can do is assume that the crust will form a new ellipsoid which is approximately proper for the new location of the equator and the poles but will do so a little less perfectly and more slowly than the oceans. This leaves the amount of the shift in sea levels for any area as largely inscrutable except for this: changes in sea level are everywhere recorded in the records of the rocks and thus sea level changes for a substantial portion of the Earth may be regarded as an inevitable consequence of the shifting pole. As a shoreline moves towards the equator, the water will be deeper and the land will lose its coastal areas. As one moves away from the equator, the water will be shallower and the land will gain coastal areas. As a general rule, it is that simple.

If the new pole does become centered in the area of Archangel in northern Russia, the sea level should fall fairly radically in that area. How much it will fall is extremely difficult to conjecture. Ray Sterner’s WWW Globes show what may be an extreme possibility, a sea level drop of 140 meters. As can be seen in Figure 142, the Baltic Sea entirely disappears and western European coastlines are completely unrecognizable. The Mediterranean lives on, but with radical alteration of most of the coastlines. 

Figure 142 Europe’s Shoreline After An 140 Meter Drop In Sea Level

Filename: globequarter northatlantic sea minus140m.gif
Source: Ray Sterner, 1996; Extreme Sea Level Changes at disable

If Europe’s sea level falls, North America’s is almost certain to rise. Figure 143 shows another Sterner globe, this one with a 65 meter increase (about 200 feet) which radically floods all of the heaviest population centers in North America. The Eastern Seaboard is largely gone, as is Florida and all of the Gulf Coast. All of the lower Mississippi River has become a large bay, the entire St. Lawrence River System is a huge salt water fiord, and the entire West Coast of North America, from the Yukon Delta to Mexico, is a chain of a vast number of coastal islands which stand 20 to 100 km off a coast which is formed by a rugged high mountain chain. Central America virtually disappears along with many of the Caribbean Islands and huge portions of South America.

Figure 143: North America’s Shoreline After A 65 Meter Increase In Sea Level

Filename: globehalf northatlantic sea plus65m.gif
Source: Ray Sterner, 1996; Extreme Sea Level Changes at disable

Reflection Tsunami Surges

The oceans will be highly unsettled for a considerable time during and after the flight. During the flight and for some period after the flight, the ellipsoid changes in the shape of the Earth will cause sudden uplifts and downlifts in the ocean bottoms. These in turn will generate tsunami waves. As the surge water flows back off the continents into the ocean basins, they will create strange and unpredictable tidal conditions, including possibly even tsunami waves. Consider the oceans highly dangerous for some considerable time after the flight, for many, many moons.

Capital marine assets are best parked where? They should most likely be parked in the deepest oceans in the lee of the movement of the avalanche as close to one of the nodes of the avalanche as is feasible. The Southern Hemisphere is far superior than the Northern Hemisphere and out of all of the seven seas, the Indian Ocean looks the most wise.

The Torches of the Anunnaki

The torches of the Anunnaki may be the best heralds of the advent of the avalanche. Even now the continuous eruptions of over a dozen volcanoes, a rate which is more than four times higher than the past, betray the build up pressure and tension which is inducing increased motion in the crust and the mantle. From the correlations in the record of the rocks and the ancient memories, a great many of them are likely to blow their corks during the flight of the Earth-Phoenix.

The ancient allegory of the Phoenix tells the story of the self-immolation of the Phoenix (crust of the earth) in a FIRE, which has been symbolized for some 12,500 years by the Phoenix pyr amids (funeral fire within) on Giza. As the Earth-Phoenix begins to take wing, the quantity of eruptions may simply increase in a straightforward manner until hundreds of them are erupting in some manner. It is highly possible, as testified by the record in the rocks, that virtually an entire chain of Anunnaki can erupt simultaneously. Accordingly, expect that severe volcanism will be centered on the central and eastern Mediterranean, the Carib plate (all of Central America) and through the entire northern arc of the Pacific Ring of Fire.

From the record in the ice, it is evident that large numbers of volcanoes will be repetitively active for a long time after the avalanche, perhaps for as long as five thousand years. Danger and damage from these volcanoes during and after the flight is completely unpredictable but is likely to be extensive and severe in many areas. There is no safe area within 50 kilometers (30 miles) of a volcano.

The Weather Freakshow

Except for the nodal areas, nearly everyone’s weather will rapidly depart from normal and will never return to familiar patterns. Weather conditions are likely to become extreme and bizarre throughout the flight in many areas, especially in volcanic areas.

An extensive round of volcanism may block the rays of the Sun enough, especially in the Northern Hemisphere, to create the effect of a nuclear winter. This could last for a year, or two years, possibly longer for some areas. How cold and how long are terribly important questions for survival but there is no way to answer these questions with specific numbers. Be prepared for anything.

General Rules of Thumb For Survival

People in most areas can safely ride through the conceivable effects of an avalanche of the crust by applying some basic rules of thumb. However, with any flight of more than a few degrees, especially for any flight in any direction which is 25 degrees long as described in the scenario in this chapter, there are some areas which will be completely doomed and the only possible method of survival is to be somewhere else.

Think & Visualize Properly

Think in terms of the crust of the Earth moving, not the pole. If the North Pole is said to be moving towards Europe, it means the crust of the Earth is moving south down the Pacific. It is extremely important to know how fast and in what direction the crust is moving. From this, the main physical dangers and likely catastrophes can be determined.

Watch Carefully

By watching readings from a global positioning monitor, you will probably know within a few hours that a radical drift in the Longitude and Latitude of your location has begun. Skilled astronomers and navigators will be able to make that determination as well, even without equipment. Those without the skills and the equipment should watch the internet, especially the Phoenix Quest website ( see Bibliography). Summaries of the latest monitoring news will be posted at this website along with links to all active tectonic indicators which may signal the advent of the flight of Earth Phoenix Five.

The Water Is The Number One Problem

None of the water will be impelled to move along with the Earth until it is forced to conform to a new location and shape by colliding with the land. Here is where many of the greatest catastrophes and most of the loss of human life will probably occur. Stay away from all bodies of water. Even lakes and rivers may be highly dangerous.

The main outstanding weakness in this Avalanche Senario is just how much of a threat the water poses for any given area. In the outline for the Avalanche Scenario (in the pages which follow to complete this chapter) I have provided a summary of what reasonably seems to be the magnitude of the problem for most areas of the world. I hope this provides a guideline which will help those who are in the greatest danger seek safer ground when the time comes.

Unfortunately, my guesstimate of the danger is intuitive, not based on a rigorous mathematical model and formula about how the water behaves in the ocean basins. I am not a wave mechanic and the mathematics for it are beyond my skills. Thus my guesstimates may often be wide of the mark. I have attempted to error on the side of caution by over-stating the danger but I may have actually understated the danger in some instances. Other minds have indicated to me that there is a strong possibility that some surge reactions might be even more severe in some areas than I have shown.

Consequently, the water remains the Number One Problem and this Avalanche Scenario should be taken only as an illustration which indicates the nature of the problem, not as a precise forecast for any particular area. Hopefully the tectonic correlations and other findings in The Prophecies will stimulate scientists with the requitie abilities to calculate the likely surge reactions in the oceans from the outline I have specified in this scenario. Tune into the Phoenix Quest internet website to check on any progresss which has been made on defining a more rigorous model of the likely reaction surges and dangers which are posed for any specific area.

Stay Off The Coast

Most definitely abandon the coasts. The odds of survival on the coastlines depends on the turn of the wheel of fate and your odds are not much better than chance. All coastlines should be considered highly dangerous, even those which are in the lee of the movement and are receding from the ocean. There are at least five potential sources of dramatic catastrophic impact on any given local area. The reaction surges against the leading edge of the moving earth, a rise in the sea level from motion towards the equator, a downwarp of the crust causing wide-scale flooding, the high likelihood of random Tsunamis, and the possibility of flooding surges from basin reflections. The oceans will roil in confusion, contesting and contending its new equilibrium levels in various places. It may take a couple of weeks for the oceans to settle their differences and adjust their balances in a new standing wave at the equator. Large tsunamis from these reaction wave-fronts, or from volcanic and seismic activity may be randomly experienced at any time. Any thought of remaining near a coastline is extremely foolish.

Seek High Ground

To prepare for any contingency, seek an elevation of 200 meters (600 feet) or more. In some areas even this may not be enough. The greatest caution is well served at elevations of 300 meters (1000 feet) and higher. If you think like me, you seek in the range of 1000 meters.

Gravitate to the Lee Side of the Islands or Continents

The minute you know which direction the Phoenix is flying, head for an elevation which is 300 meters (1000 feet) up on the lee side of the island. Thus if the Earth-Phoenix is flying south down the Pacific, as I have projected in the scenario in this chapter, immediately head for the north side of the island.

Remaining in Volcanic Areas is Crazy

Any and all of them may blow their corks. No volcanic crater should be considered dead. Areas downwind of a volcano, even for hundreds of kilometers, may become virtually uninhabitable for a considerable period of time. Get out of volcanic areas and make sure that there is no volcano dead center between your location and the nearest ocean coastline. If there is, you are highly likely to be downwind of one. If it is several hundred kilometers or miles away, it may not pose a hazard to you, then again, its ashfall could still conceivably impact your survival.

Avoidance of Doomed Areas

If the Earth-Phoenix flies in the direction indicated in this scenario, most of the North American Coast is one of those doomed areas. From Baja California through Alaska, nothing will remain of the coastal areas. Nothing. Alaska will have the greatest problem because of the combination of volcanism, earthquakes, and immense surges of water. All elevations in Alaska are extremely dangerous. Other doomed areas include the entire coastline of China and many of its eastern provinces along the ocean, all of Japan and the northeast Asian islands, Kamchatka and the Pacific coast of Siberia, and northern Europe/western Siberia. Throughout these areas, you have a problem where ever the elevation is less than 100 meters. If you tarry for a second, events may unfold in these areas with such rapidity that you will not have enough time to find safe ground. The ocean will wash you away. At 200 meters (~600 feet) you may still have a problem.

Beware - These Words May Be Misleading

I am not equally familiar and informed about the tectonics and motions of all of the continents and regions. I have no explicit data about real pole shifts, only inferences based on Cayce’s psychic comments, readings of legends, myths and ancient literature, and correlations of tectonic activity with the earth-Moon-Sun (EMS) orbital synchronicity. My comprehension is most detailed about western North America and becomes progressively thinner in direct proportion to the distance from there. In general, my inclusion of examples may be misleading and my omission of remarks about earthquakes, volcanoes, and other specific phenomenon for an area does not signify that an area will not experience them, it simply means I don’t know enough to say anything useful about the area. When I use the word "may" I am generally indicating a conditional possibility and generally I have no certainty as to what the necessary conditions might be nor whether the event will occur as a part of the scenario I have painted. Understand therefore that every aspect of this scenario is speculative and is intended for intelligent and discriminating application but is not intended for taking as "channeled" information about "predicted" events. I am personally about as pre-cognitive as a tomato.

Along The Line Of Maximum Movement Through Europe & Africa

As it did in 10,500 BC, northern Europe and the Russian Steppes will take one of the heaviest hits from the Arctic Ocean if the crust avalanches up Longitude East 40. The initial flight surge in the water could reach 30 meters (100 feet) or possibly even more in some areas. This would inundate portions of the northern sector of the Eurasian Continent by flooding inland for hundreds of kilometers (miles), even possibly for 1600 kilometers (1000 miles) in some places.

Essentially, a great portion of the water and ice in the Arctic ocean between Canada and the northern shoreline of Eurasia will end up rolling across Eurasia at 19 km/hour it depths of 8 to 60 meters (25 to 200 feet) until it can drain off again. This is an enormous quantity of water (and ice). It will widely and almost completely devastate northern Eurasia, especially northern Europe. Not much will be left much standing along the coastal areas.

When the water drains off, some Arctic water may actually flow south through the Black Sea and the Balkans area, and thence out through the Mediterranean. This flow is likely to devastate all port facilities in the Black Sea and the eastern Mediterranean area.

Northern Europe




England & Ireland

Western Coast of Europe

The Mediterranean Coastlines


Northern Africa

Western Coast of Africa

Eastern Coast of Africa

For Africa As A Whole

South Africa

Along The Line Of Maximum Movement Through The Pacific

The crust of the Earth will turn in a great arc straight down West 140 in the Pacific to create some of the most catastrophic changes in the earth. The coastlines in the great arc of the northern half of the Pacific Ocean will plunge rapidly into an almost unlimited supply of water where truly deep water is usually not far from the land. This great arc, as well as some of the other continental coastlines on the Pacific Rim, will be driven directly into the ocean along a broad front. As they shove the water to the south they will create massive pile-ups and surges of water which may reach 100 meters (300 hundred feet) or even higher in some areas. Possibly much higher, depending upon the rate of speed of the flight.

In northern Europe, where the Arctic Ocean is relatively small and shallow, the potential depth of the water surges over Europe are constrained by the limited supply of water. But there are virtually no limitations in supply throughout most of the Pacific. There is very little constraint on how deep the water can pile up against the northern shorelines of the Pacific Rim. There is more than enough water to push a deep broadside of ocean water completely across all of the continents which border it, if the force vectors are strong enough and the reactions are fast enough. The determining factors which will shape the depth of the surges are mainly speed, distance, the angle of movement, and the length of the front.

In general, the flat islands (coral atolls) in the Pacific will be scoured so thoroughly they may disappear completely. But the islands in the South Pacific with mountains or volcanoes in their centers will likely survive. Typically the volcanic islands are small in breadth but high in elevation. They will not form enough of a barrier to pile the water to such a great depth that they are completely submerged.


Melanesia & Polynesia

The Phoenix Over North America



Alaska will move directly to the south into the deepest of Pacific waters for the full distance of the shift in the pole. Since there is virtually no limit to how much water can pile up and surge against Alaska and along the long coastline of British Columbia, ocean waters may pile up higher here against the rugged, mountainous coastline than anywhere else on the earth. The Pacific Ocean will pile up and surge along the long coast of North America from as far as California alongside the so-called Alaskan Panhandle and up from throughout the entire great Gulf of Alaska directly onto and probably even over many of the coastal mountains of the Great Alaskan Peninsula. Extremely rapid erosion will scour everything and totally devastate the coastlines.

Doubtless the water surges will be the very worst at about where Alaska’s coastline begins to run east to west, at Yakutat Bay where the world famous Malaspina Glacier is located almost dead center on Longitude West 140. It is doubtful that the water will leave anything in this area below 300 meters (1000 feet) and that figure may be optimistic. The ocean may even surge up the vast delta of the Yukon deeply into the continent all the way to Fairbanks.

When the surge is over, the entire Great Alaskan Peninsula will have dropped in latitude so severely that the new sea level could be a few hundred meters (several hundred feet) higher than it is currently. The mountainous plateau in the Yukon is an Alaskan’s best bet until the ride is over.

In general, the remainder of the west coast of North and Central America will suffer some of the same fate as Alaska, though the effects generally will not be so severe and they will vary greatly depending upon the orientation and latitude of the coastline. The North American coast, from British Columbia to Panama, dips into the Pacific Ocean at an irregular angle which varies radically. Much of its motion will be at various oblique angles to the water. This will make for effects which will vary widely from one zone of the coast to another.

Central America & Mexico

Western Mexico, Baja California & Arizona


Pacific Northwest

The Pacific Coastline Of North America In General

The Caribbean Gulf

The Continental Interior

Most Dangerous Earthquake Zones In North America

The stress from the various tectonic force vectors in the crust are focused in highly specific junction areas and along certain lines in the crust. All existing trends will accelerate during the flight, thus the historical stress zones will doubtless be the most severely affected by severe earthquaking. Earthquake and volcanic dangers exist whether they are apparent from 20th century history or not. Hutton has documented the primary dangerous zones (See The Coming Earth Changes...). The primary extremely dangerous earthquake zones in North America are:

The Eastern Coast of North America

The Arctic Coast of North America

The Pacific Node & Line of Least Movement


The Pacific Node

The Pacific Node around which the avalanche of the crust will fall is on the equator at East 130 midway between Halmahera Island and Papua New Guinea Island. This places the Pacific Node of Least Motion roughly in the center of a vast number of islands which includes Indonesia, the Philippines, and Australia, roughly 25 degrees north of Alice Springs in Australia. The entire region as a whole will remain at the same average latitude, but the various islands will cartwheel around the node in a clockwise direction towards the right. This will change their east-west orientations, their eastern ends will dip to the south, their western ends will rise to the north.

Australia & New Zealand

Indonesia, Philippines, SE Asia

Indonesia in centered directly around the Pacific Node and thus the Pacific should be relatively kind to Indonesia.


Northern Asia: Japan, Korea, Vladivostok, Kamchatka

The Atlantic Node & Line of Least Movement


The Atlantic Node

The Atlantic Node of the avalanche of the crust is likely to be centered near West 50 on the equator almost directly at the mouth of the Amazon River. This means that South America is going to pretty much stay "South" America and that its motion will cartwheel in a counterclockwise direction to the left. Because of the triangular shape of the continent, this will tend to create three primary effects.

Amazon Coast

Eastern Coast of South America (from the Bulge to Cape Horn)

Western Coast of South America

Most Favored Quadrant – The Indian Subcontinent

The entire southern coast of Asia, from the hills of Palestine near East 36 through to East 100 or so down the Malay Peninsula is most likely an area which is the most sheltered from the effects of water motion during the flight of the Earth-Phoenix. For the most part the area is likely also to be favorably affected by its latitude shift, which will range from 25 degrees to the north in the Palestine area to about 20 degrees to the north for the Malay Peninsula.

Since the area will move away from the water, flood surges should not form. Since the area is shifting to the north, sea level will recede from the entire coastline and in some cases, such as by the major river deltas of India, huge new tracts of dry land may appear. Bangladesh, for instance, should became higher and drier. Other than the ever-present problem of earthquakes, the worst catastrophes for people living in these areas may be the loss of their seaports as they dry up.

Of all the major nations, India will probably be the least damaged and the most favorably impacted. India will gain latitude and will move favorably to nearly an ideal northern temperate zone. Its climate will probably become wetter and cooler than it is now. All the states of southern Asia from Burma across to Palestine should experience a large measure of the same relative good fortune. Pakistan, Afghanistan, Central Asia, Iran, and Iraq would become much less desert like and their climate will become more temperate and wet, definitely cooler like western Europe is today.


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